Getting The Word Of God Into Our Lives Study

Getting The Word Of God Into Our Lives Study

Getting The Word Of God Into Our Lives Study


Apply The Word Audio

The Word of God is a person. Some say the it is simply history. Others say it’s to gain knowledge. Some see it as a rule book. How can a person have a relationship with God if they do not have a relationship with the Word of God? We need the Word so we can grow. We need the Word so we will not be deceived. It’s not revelation we need. It’s application we need. The target of the Word of God is the heart. As powerful as it is, the Word of God cannot compete with hard hearts, hearts with stones, unprepared hearts, or untended hearts.

A B C D Process Of The Word Audio

The first thing we must understand about the Word of God is it’s a person – God, i.e. Jesus Christ made flesh. We don’t know what He’s saying to us if we don’t spend time with Him in His Word. The seed, i.e. Word of God, cannot compete in an unprepared life, in a life with garbage in it, in a life overtaken with cares of the world, or unmaintained soil. We must Attend unto the Word of God. We Bend our ear.

Getting The Stumps Out Audio

The Word of God is actually a person (John 1:1, 14). Getting this seed into us to be productive is a process. This requires the A-B-C-D process:  Attention, Binding the ear, Concentrate, and it must Dominate.

What They Heard And Saw

Receiving of the Holy Ghost is not a goal. It is a gateway. The church was birthed with tongues. Receiving the Holy Ghost is something we can always see and hear in the Scriptures.

Getting The Word Of God Into Our Lives Study

Getting The Word Of God Into Our Lives Study

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