Thanks for visiting my sermon site. SERMON SERIES by Pastor Delbert Young is a collection of sermon series I preached over the years as senior pastor of Life Gate Church. You may use them any way you’d like. I pray and hope they help you in some way.
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Over 1,000 Sermons

ABRAHAM THE FRIEND OF GOD – sermon series, 15 sermons with notes, 1 sermon video, 1 sermon audio
Why at age 75 would a man leave all familiar and comfortable? What was so powerful that caused Abram-Abraham to leave first Ur and then Haran to seek a land he had never seen? How does a person like this become a friend of God?

ABUNDANT LIFE – Living in the Kingdom – sermon series, sermon notes, sermon audios
John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have {and} enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Isn’t that great?! Life is supposed to be victorious and full for the Christ follower. The Bible teaches how the Believer is to enjoy an overcoming and overflowing life, but we all know this isn’t the way so many Christ followers exist. So many things steal life, kill life, and destroy life. Call it the devil. Call it carnal mind. It doesn’t matter what you call it. The truth is it will take life. What I want to do in our study is to reveal some things taking life and then see what Jesus did to give us life back.

BAGGAGE EVERYBODY HAS SOME – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
This is a four-part sermon series of sermons dealing with the inward baggage we all carry and acquire over life. For some, there is the baggage of addictions. For some, there is the baggage of depression. Yet for some, there is the baggage of divorce. For some, there is the baggage of emotional damage. Nearly all have emotional baggage weighing us down. How do we dump the baggage?

BAPTISM IN WATER – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Sometimes it seems even Christians do not know the purpose of water baptism. This is a series to help us understand the purpose and reason we are to be baptized in water

BE RICH – sermon, series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
a sermon series about how we chase the proverbial carrot attempting to have wealth thinking wealth is success. Is it? Let’s talk about how to BE RICH, not how to be wealthy. You are wealthy. Do you love money? Are you an intentional giver, or an intentional taker? Let’s take a look and see.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

BUILDING A HOME OR A HELL 1 – Sermon, Series, Sermon audio
A sermon series about building a home and a family. Somehow my wife and I have been able to avoid being a divorced statistics. Our children avoided the emotional problems of a failed home. How did we do this? I am not totally certain. Let me show you how this rolled out.

BUILDING A HOME OR A HELL 2 – Sermon, Series, Sermon audio
This is a sermon series about building a family and a home. I remember the day at the church altar in Midway Methodist Church. I stood with my beautiful bride. She was seventeen and I was nineteen. After repeating all the vows, we each said, “I do.” The preacher presented to the people Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Young. Away we went into a life of “living happily ever after.” Sure we did. A year later, we had a baby. There was not enough money to pay our bills. We fussed a lot. We were beginning not to like each other and it was downhill from there for many years to come, and we were heading for destruction, but something changed…

CHALLENGE -Sermon, Series, Sermon audio
talking about many challenges of life. We’ll talk about the challenge “To do something great,” the challenge “to make great decisions,” the challenge “to self-manage,” the challenge “to belong,” and the challenge of “wilderness experiences.”

CHRISTMAS SERMONS PAGE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
A Baby Changes Everything. What is Christmas Really About anyway? Who Would Imagine A King? There is no time like Christmas time. Here are 3 good sermons about Christmas time.

CHURCH GROWTH AND EVANGELISM – Sermons and Sermon Series, Sermon videos, Sermon audios, Sermon notes
Cast Your Net, Church at its Best (Gathering, Giving, Growing), Church We Have a Problem, First Things First (9 Gift Personalities of Evangelism), Going All Out for God, It’s Great to be Alive, Growing Up in God (Growing up in Giving, Praise, Serving, Gifts), Have You Invited Anyone (3 sermons), Re-Imagine Church, The Tool, Through the Church, What Can You Do (Connect, Serve, Give, Invite), more – over 30 sermons
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

COMMUNION SERMONS – Sermon videos, Sermon audios, Sermon notes
Jesus instituted the New Covenant with Communion. He said, This is… my body. This cup is the New Covenant. But with a piece of bread and a cup? How does this work? Your piece of bread is to connect you with Jesus. It will plug you into remembering him. Our covenant is through the blood of Jesus Christ.

CREATIVE POWER OF WORDS – sermon, sermon notes, sermon audio, sermon video
As a horse’s bit directs, turns, and makes the horse obey its rider, our words direct, turn, and cause life to obey. Exactly as a ship’s rudder sets its navigational course, words set the course of life as we navigate through it.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

CUSSING CHRISTIANS – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Have you cussed since you believed and became a Christian? Does cussing improve a woman’s womanhood? Does cussing increase a man’s manhood? Have you cussed in front of your child? Are you proud of it if you have? We take a look at Christians Cussing, why we do it, where it comes from, and why it’s so difficult to stop.

DANIEL AND TROUBLE – sermon series and notes
Daniel could not stay out of trouble. He refused to be Neutralized by society. He was among the Beautiful And The Intelligent. Daniel knew the God of Dreams. He saw the Handwriting on the Wall and slept with lions.

–DAVID THE KING – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Though I did this series years ago, it remains one of my favorites. Here’s why. When David drew close to God, giants fell. When he didn’t, David fell. What a lesson. It’s a serious look at the life of King David, the man after God’s own heart.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

DEAL OR NO DEAL – Sermon, Series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Dealing with God. There are certain issues in the scriptures where the Lord sort of says, “I will make a deal with you. If you take my deal, here is what you get.” Then he gives us his deal and says, “…or, you can do it your way and take your chances in life.” He asks, “Which do you want? DEAL OR NO DEAL?”

DEMONS AND DARKNESS – sermon series, sermon audio
Have you ever come face-to-face with a person who had a demon (or a demon who had a person)? I want to talk about DEMONS AND DARKNESS. My wife reminded me of a young man coming to our house once. He’d heard me speak of the influence of the devil. My wife told him, “The one thing worse than believing there is a demon behind every bush is believing there are no demons at all.” At some point in our Christian walk, we will come face to face with a demon and darkness. an understanding. So, what is the ascension about?

DESIRE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
I want to show you the power of DESIRE. I want you to see how powerful DESIRE is in prayer and in life, and I want to stir up your DESIRE. Also, I want to cause you to condense down and know what it is you truly DESIRE.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young
–DISCIPLE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Be a disciple. Did you know Jesus never invited anybody to be a Christian? Let’s talk about what Jesus did require. Doing it will change every life and the world.

DIVINE APPOINTMENTS AND CONNECTIONS – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
There are special times during life when it seems we experience a scheduled or random appointment with someone. It’s when the appointment became a life-changing connection. We look back and realize the connection had to have been orchestrated by God. There is no other way to explain it.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

DON’T BE LIKE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
These are characters we DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE, nor do we want to be around people like them. Each was their own demise. If you are like them and do not correct them, their character will be your demise as well.
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DREAM – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
God has promised to put a dream and a vision into every heart. It’s a spiritual thing, and it’s not gender specific – all people both men and women. It’s not age-specific – young and old. The young person is to see it as a vision for victory. The older person will look back to see if they have lived their dream.

EASTER SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Easter is my favorite day of the year. It’s Resurrection Sunday! In the first century times, people greeted one another by saying, The Lord has risen! The reply was, The Lord has risen indeed! Another reason I think Easter is the most wonderful day of the year is it’s the day more people go to church than any other day all year long. This means Easter is the day more people come to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. What a great day!

Paul unveils many mysteries in this book. Once learned, we can direct our lives, families, and churches in the ways of God. There is principle after principle the apostle desires us to know. To grasp the mystery then we need to change
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

EXPECTING THE MIRACULOUS – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Does God desire to intervene in our lives by miracles and the supernatural, or is life a ‘Que sera, sera: whatever will be, will be’? Does God set a limit on miracles and you can “limit out” on the miraculous? How many believe that there is a miracle in you?
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

–FAITH – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Is faith our believing harder, believing better, believing longer, or is Biblical faith something different? Let’s think about real faith.

FATHER’S DAY SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon videos
The scriptures teach about great fathers, good fathers, and bad fathers. We covered some of all in this Father’s Day Sermons Page. Dads are to give of themselves, be heroes to their children, bless their children with irrevocable blessings and much more.

FAVOR OF GOD – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
What is God’s Favor? Does everyone have it? God desires to bless us by giving us special advantages and preferential treatment. Learn how to walk in God’s Favor every day.

FEASTS OF ISRAEL – sermon audios
Feasts Of Israel – are full of New Testament truths as well as fulfillment in the New Testament. For example, Christ is our Passover Lamb. All the blood sacrifices are fulfilled in Jesus. The meal sacrifice, the drink sacrifice, the burnt sacrifice, etc. all find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. We’ll look at several of the Feasts Of Israel.

FINANCIAL LIBERATION – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
We go to school to be equipped to earn it money, and we spend forty or more years of our adult lives earning it. We invest countless hours and thought deciding how we are going to handle it. So, we walk through houses, stores, car dealerships, catalogs, and surf the web deciding how we will spend it. We worry we won’t have enough of it. We dream and scheme figuring out ways to acquire more of it. Arguments over it are a major cause of marriage disintegration, business partnership breakups, and government collapse. Despair over losing it has led to suicides. The obsession with getting it has caused many of society’s crimes. It’s the root of evil. Some call it the means for great good, but one thing we will all agree on is we cannot ignore the importance of money.

GET A LIFE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
You didn’t ask to be born. You can’t get out of dying. What you do in between you do have some say over. Why not choose to live? Why not get a life?” (Reggie McNeal, Get A Life, p. 1) This is a sermon series on getting a life. Let’s talk about “Why am I here?; What is Really Important to me?; Am I Making Mile Markers?; What Am I Good at?; What Do I Need to Learn?

GOALS, SETTING YOUR LIFE’S GOALS – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Setting, establishing, and achieving goals for our lives is the difference between success and failure. We will never experience the God-given potential inside without goals. Jesus had distinct and specific goals. The Apostle Paul likely had a day planner. Goals in our lives push us through difficult “cross” times keeping us focused on what is truly important.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

GROWING UP IN GOD – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
There are maturity levels in the Kingdom of God (1 John 1:12-14). At what level do you think you might be? Are you a little child, young man, or father? Arrested Development Syndrome is a mental condition where a person’s mental development is arrested. Many, perhaps even most, Christ followers experience Arrested Development Syndrome in the spiritual dimension. We stop GROWING UP. Church growth evangelism.

–HANDLING DIFFICULT PEOPLE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
What does the Bible say about controlling people? How do we handle manipulation by others? People are manipulative, but what are some Bible verses to help us? What does the Bible say? Are we to simply be people pleasers? What if a husband is controlling? Or, what if a wife is manipulative? What do the scriptures say? What if a mother or a friend is manipulative? Pastor Delbert attempts to help us with this age-old problem. Every day of life we encounter critical people, overly needy people, controlling manipulative people, and hypocritical people. We attempt to shed a little light on this subject.

–HEALED WITHOUT SCARS -sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
We all are inwardly and emotionally wounded by life. Emotional wounds leave heart scars. We hide them and mask them. God wants to heal not only the wounds but remove the scars.

HEROES OF THE BIBLE – sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Pastor Young talks about Bible heroes, but talks in a way we seldom think of these supernatural people. Are you a HERO? You are if you’re in the kingdom.
–I LOVE MY CHURCH – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
We enjoyed this series. It’s a unique look at “Church.” God loved the world and gave his son. Jesus loved the Church and gave himself for it. People love their church. This study caused us to rekindle our love.
I WANT TO LEAVE SOMETHING HERE – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
God not only has a plan for us to have abundant and successful lives, but he also wants us to impact our society by leaving something here after we are gone. We are here to accomplish something and leave something that matters.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

IMPORTANT VALUES FROM THE KINGDOM – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
A value by definition is that which we think much of and regard highly. The values in a person’s life are those things that determine the person’s identity and destiny, define our success or our failure, the type of person we marry, the education one acquires, my occupation, how I treat people, my indebtedness, my appearance and cleanliness, the automobile I drive, the people I hang with, etc. Values vary from person to person, from home to home, from society to society, from nation to nation. Why is this? Why do we not all have the same values? Let’s talk about it.

INFLUENCE 3-D – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
How do we see people? Mostly it’s in one dimension, maybe two dimensions. God sees us in 3-D and wants us to see people in 3-D. When we do, we see how much God loves people and how important people are to God. It’s when we get past the flesh and the soul and see 3-D, the spirit, we influence others the way we should.

INSIDE YOURSELF – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Many people see themselves as an ugly duckling. God sees them more as a beautiful graceful swan. A proper inward self-image is extremely important. It releases our futures.

INTELLIGENT PRAISE – sermon series, sermon notes
For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding. Biblical praise should be fun, exciting, exuberant, fulfilling, and enjoyable. We should enjoy the music and the “goosebumps.” However, praise should accomplish something. Praise should be with intelligence. Intelligent Praise will change a great praise service into a victorious life experience.

ISSUES OF THE HEART – sermon series, sermon notes, 1 sermon video and 1 sermon audio
Have you ever said, or heard someone say something like, “Well you know the Lord looks at the heart?” What in the world does this mean? Why does the Lord look at the heart? What does he see when he analyzes my heart? What answers are provided for him with this inspection? Also, we need to learn to analyze our own hearts. If we are created in the image of God, then we too can look at the heart.
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IT’S GOOD TO BE ALIVE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
There are reasons it’s good to be alive. There are “Family,” Friends,” “God’s Favor,” “Conflict,” and “Faith. Go with us as we take a look at why it’s “Good To Be Alive.”

IT’S NOT RIGHT – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Sometimes life is not right. There is so much trouble and pain. It’s one thing after another. Bad times, well It’s Not Right! Or, is it? The Bible says to give thanks in all circumstances and consider it pure joy when we enter difficult times. How do we do this when It’s Not Right?
–JAMES THE BOOK – HOW LIFE WORKS – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
A look into the Book of James, the brother of Jesus. I want us to walk out today thinking, “Yes. That’s the way life actually works.” James said look into a mirror. Fix or don’t fix what you see. That’s how your life works. So, let’s call the series “The Way Life Works.” Study with us.

–JONAH THE BOOK – sermon series videos audio notes
Jonah is an interesting and unique Bible character. He was anointed but didn’t want to do what he was anointed to do. Because of this, Jonah, like us, found himself in a bad place with people and with God. Let’s take a look at Jonah.

JOSHUA THE BOOK – POSSESSING THE KINGDOM – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Arise in Violence and make a decision to enter your Promised Land. You will need to Find Life’s Rahabs. They have the information you must have. Get Your Feet Wet in the Spirit and in the Word of God. It will become a memorial time in your life. Have a personal Hill of Foreskins where you have allowed the Lord to circumcise your heart.

KINGDOM PARABLES – (same as Parables of the Kingdom below) sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Though Jesus taught and talked more about the kingdom of God than any other topic, Christians seem to know very little about the kingdom of God. What they do know they push off to a future day after a rapture and tribulation. Is this what Jesus taught? Are the parables about the kingdom for some other time or for now? We’ll dive into these thoughts and questions in KINGDOM PARABLES of Matthew 13.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

KINGDOM TRUTH – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
This is a special series Pastor Young taught to give answers to people concerning belief on (1) The Time of the Kingdom; (2) The Great Tribulation; (3) The Rapture; (4) Father God; (5) The Antichrist; (6) We Are Still Here – after the many predictions of the rapture and great tribulation; (7) Prayer

LIVE TO GIVE – sermon series, sermon audios, sermon video, sermon notes
We all face the challenge and temptation of selfishness. It’s easy to slip into the subtle trap of selfishness. It’s very easy when we know God wants each of us to have the best. However, selfishness is not of God and will actually rob us of God’s best. What’s the answer?

LIVING IN PEACE – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
We live in a world and society that enjoys a strange dichotomy. We say we desire to LIVE IN PEACE, yet we love conflict and live so much of our lives worrying, arguing with people, anxious about everything, stressed about life, with chaos in the family, etc. Think just a minute. How much of your life, how many hours, days, weeks, months, or years have you given to worry and anxiety?

LOCKING AND UNLOCKING THE TONGUE – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Scriptures instruct you to ask the Lord to set a guard over your mouth to keep watch over the door of your lips (Psalm 141:3). The image is an armed guard stationed at your mouth. What does a guard do? The guard LOCKS AND UNLOCKS opening and shutting the cell door. If there is anything we need to correctly LOCK AND UNLOCK or correctly open and shut, it is our mouths.

LUKE THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
LUKE is a huge study of 131 sermons. It’s not only the life of Jesus Christ. It’s his thoughts and his teachings. Everything anyone would want to preach or study about Jesus is in here. It’s Jesus’ explanations and warnings about everything. At times it’s his feelings and emotions. It’s Jesus so very real. I loved studying and preaching this series. It took years. Its principles changed lives. Of course, it did. It is Jesus. Likely you will never find a more real Jesus than Luke gives us. Luke is the longest study I’ve done in my ministry of 30 years. I don’t regret one minute of it.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

MARRIAGE – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Apostle Peter gave several keys on how to make a marriage work. He spoke to wives and husbands even when one of the spouses was a non-believer. It’s amazing insight for today.

MEMORIAL DAY, 4TH OF JULY, VETERAN’S DAY SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Here is a compilation of various sermons to acknowledge, remember, and honor our veterans and special days of the year related to the United States. However, they can be tweaked and used for any nation wanting to acknowledge, remember, and honor their service men and women.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

MOTHER’S DAY SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Here are 12 Mother’s Day sermons taken from the scriptures. Mother’s Day is right up there next to Easter. There is no one like mother. Love your mom by being with her while you can. A day will come when you would give anything to be with Mom.
NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH – sermon audio series
Exactly how is a New Testament church supposed to look? Exactly what is a New Testament church supposed to do? Jesus said He would build it. He said hell couldn’t stand against it. What does that mean? Is the New Testament church eternal, or is there something coming after the church? In this study, we look at all these things and many more.

NEW YEAR SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
What does it mean when we wish someone a ‘Happy New Year’? It means we want their life to be happy, or happier, in the New Year, right? Why would it not be? Could it be there are some things we need to do to be happy? There are many things you should do, but there is one thing you know you must do if your life will be happy or happier in the New Year. In fact, it needs to become YOUR ONE GREAT PROJECT for your life.

NOAH – sermon series, sermon notes
God’s patience for repentance of wickedness is long but always limited. It is at this time we meet Noah an end-time generation
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

OFFERING AND SACRIFICE – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
We have come to a place in church where we associate Offering And Sacrifice with money only. We even say, “We are going to receive the offering.” People program us to think we must give God our money to appease God and maintain his tolerance of us. If all you understand about Offering And Sacrifice is limited to God wanting your money, then you are very narrow-minded and you will miss the purpose of this study. I want you to understand God does not want your money. He wants You – Your Heart.

ORDINARY OR EXTRAORDINARY – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Ordinary people live ordinary lives and die ordinary deaths never changing or affecting anything or anyone. Extraordinary people live extraordinary lives and affect and change something. I have never been ordinary. My name is not ordinary. Nothing about me is ordinary.

PALM SUNDAY SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Here are 14 Palm Sunday sermons. What if you knew that you had less than one week to live? What if this was your last Sunday? Would you do anything differently? What if You Knew You would Die Friday at 3 o’clock?

PARABLES OF JESUS – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
The number of references in the scriptures speaking about how often Jesus spoke in parables is amazing. There are more than forty such references. As I looked, I was greatly struck by the obvious emphasis the gospel writers placed on the Lord’s use of parables. They emphasized greatly how he again spoke to them in parables, and again spake he a parable unto them saying, and a parable spake he unto them, or hear the parable of…, etc. The emphasis was “again” Jesus used parables. Here’s a look at several of the Parables of Jesus.

PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM – (same as Kingdom Parables above) sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Though Jesus taught more about the kingdom than any other topic, Christians seem to know very little about the kingdom of God, and what they do know they push off to a future day after a rapture and tribulation. Is that what Jesus taught? Are the parables about the kingdom for some other time or for now? We’ll dive into these thoughts and questions in KINGDOM PARABLES.
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We need to pray every day for divine connections. We need to pray God will bring into our paths the people we need, and weed out the people from our lives and paths who hinder our growth in God. God will bring the right people, but if we continue attachments to the wrong people, it will hinder our progress, or detour us from experiencing divine connections.

POWER OF WORDS – sermon series, sermon notes, sermon audio, 1 sermon video
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
We use words to accuse a person or encourage a person. We use words to make people laugh or make people cry. Also, we use words to bring healing or hurt. We use words to teach truth or tell lies. We use words to bless or curse, and we use words to create gossip or to stop gossip. Your words will bring you victory in life or your words will bring you defeat.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

–POWER OF… – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
There are things giving us the power of life. These specific things not only empower us, they direct where we go and what we do with life. Without utilizing these empowering things, we accomplish nothing. We live wasted lives. With them understood and developed, we do great things. They may change completely over the years, but from them, we acquire direction for our lives and a desire to accomplish great things.

POWER OF BELIEVING – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
People Jesus loved and grew up with missed out on some mighty things happening in their lives because of their unbelief. Unbelief caused them to miss God’s best. Jesus wanted to do some great things, but their unbelief stopped great things from happening. It wasn’t so much sin that stopped the mighty works of Jesus. It was unbelief. Often it is not because we are doing anything wrong on the outside. Sometimes it is because we need to expand our belief on the inside.

PRAISE HIM WORSHIP HIM – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
A fresh look concerning praise and worship. What does God seek and want from us in praise and worship? What do biblical praise and worship look like? We take a look at these and much more.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

PRESENCE OF GOD – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Have you ever experienced the presence of God in a way where you felt you could touch him? It’s a presence like people in the Bible experienced. It was a ‘magic moment’ where God’s presence was so strong you couldn’t stand. God’s fiery presence was so real, so thick, so holy, that you went down because there was nothing else to do.

PRIDE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Pride destroys. It shrinks and stops our capability to hear what we need to hear from people. Pride shrinks and stops our capability to love people and pride shrinks our capability to receive love from people. It causes us to crowd people out. Pride fills us with our self, and when we are full of self, there’s no room for anyone else. Pride makes me important alone, and selfish, and lessens the importance of people. But, the bottom line of pride is it stops me from hearing the Spirit of God, stops me from loving God, receiving God’s love for me, and lessens the importance of God in my life.

Is prophecy for today? If not why not? If prophecy is a spiritual gift of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is here why would prophecy not be here? Let’s talk about these questions and many more thoughts in this series about prophecy.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

PROVERBS THE BOOK ADVENTURE IN WISDOM – sermon series videos audios notes
Proverbs would be easier to teach if its wisdoms were collected into chapter topics, but it’s not how God designed Proverbs. Life doesn’t come at us in topics. Life hits us scattered. In a one-day period, you may need wisdom on finances, marriage, children, work, integrity, truth-telling, etc. This is how Proverbs is laid out for us. The things you read today are actually things you may face today.

PSALMS STUDY SERMON SERIES AUDIO – sermon series, sermon audios
The purpose of this study is to correct our theology. This book is full of theological foundational information. We go Psalm by Psalm and verse by verse as we build our faith and knowledge.

SEVEN PERSONALITIES OF EVANGELISM – FIRST THINGS FIRST PAGE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
We take a long look at the different ways and styles Jesus and others reached the lost. One or more of these evangelism styles is within you and is your personal power to find the lost. This power style is given to you by God. Can we imagine how God, with perfect love for his children, must feel every day when his children are lost? He desperately wants to find them. He needs to hear from them. This is what Jesus teaches us about Father God. Jesus is a picture of Father God’s heart (Joh 1:18). Jesus had an odd value. It was sinners were important to God. Jesus’ being with lost people was more than an event. It was a value.

SERMON ON THE MOUNT – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Think of something you experienced about which you were anxiously excited. It was something you could hardly wait to experience. I remember years ago, as a young couple, my wife and I were to leave for vacation the next morning, but we couldn’t sleep we were so excited, so we left in the middle of the night. Have you got a similar memory you felt anxiously excited about? Have you ever felt this type of anxious excitement about church? Likely not. But people were anxiously excited at the time of what we call The Sermon on the Mount. There was a buzz of anticipation about a young rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth. Let’s take a look at what he had to say about LIVING IN THE KINGDOM.

SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE KINGDOM – sermon series, sermon notes
When Jesus was on the earth, he was irresistible. People came from all around to see and hear him. They marveled at Jesus. People loved him or hated him, but they could not ignore him. They could not marginalize him. He was an irresistible person with an irresistible message and an irresistible personality. Jesus was a huge distraction to the Pharisaical religion. It was because he was irresistible the religious system got rid of him. However, Jesus said if they did get rid of him he would be even more irresistible. He said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will DRAW all people unto me.

SMILE STAYING POSITIVE WHEN… sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
How can I Smile Staying Positive When… I had a bad mother or had a bad father, or I’m negative about myself, or going through dark times in my life, or when I gossip and slander, or when I’m pushed by people, or when I have enemies, or when I’m not happy, or when I have low self-worth? Let’s talk about it.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

SPIRIT FILLED LIFE – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
What’s the potential of a human life lived under full submission to the change of the Holy Spirit? Is there at least one thing you would like to change about the person sitting next to you? If you are sitting next to someone then there may be something about you the person beside you might like to see change. Believers should change. The truth of the matter is if we are believers and if we are not constantly changing, there is a problem.

STRESS – sermon series sermon videos sermon audios sermon notes
Every one of us has the opportunity to stress out every day. 90% of doctor visits are stress-related. We can’t stop stress from coming upon us, but we can determine how we will respond to STRESS.

SUPERNATURAL – sermon series sermon videos sermon audios sermon notes
The church is to be the supernatural force on this earth. It should be SUPERNATURAL, but is it? God desires you to be a supernatural person. You should be SUPERNATURAL are you?

Tabernacle of David is a look at the tabernacle David built when he brought the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord of the whole earth back to Jerusalem. This tabernacle is full of spiritual truths. These truths will help us bring the presence of God into our lives and into our churches. The ark remained in the Tabernacle of David until Solomon completed what we call Solomon’s Temple.

TEACH ME THE POWER OF A MOMENT – sermon series videos audios notes
You determine your life by how you respond to a moment. The motivational speaker Anthony Robbins said, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Wayne Dyer, author of Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through, said, “Miracles come in a moment. Be ready and willing.” In a moment life can change.

THANKSGIVING SERMONS – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
We mostly see Thanksgiving as a wonderful day for us in the U.S., and it is. However, most of the world doesn’t see it this way. Thanksgiving in the scriptures is a powerful force. We should be thankful to people constantly giving thanksgiving.
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THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
Looking for a revelation of The Revelation? This might work for you. This is a 27-session class. It is an eye-opener and a challenge to traditional theology. What was or is the Revelation of Jesus Christ?

THOUGHTS THE CREATIVE POWER – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
What is the fastest way to change your life from mediocre, or even bad, to great? There are many things one can do to help turn a life around, but the one thing a person must do is begin working on their thought life. What we are and what we are not is determined by thoughts.

TOUGH QUESTIONS STRAIGHT UP – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Straight Up is about addressing social issues STRAIGHT UP using what God says. It’s not sugar-coated. It’s straight-up and serious stuff.

TOUGH QUESTIONS – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
There are tough questions people have about life. Apostle Peter said, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect.” Does God exist? What about hell? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why become a Christian? Let’s see what God has to say about these.

TRUST GOD’S TIMING – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
In life, we’re always waiting for something. Maybe you’re waiting and praying for a physical healing, or waiting for a special opportunity, or waiting for a goal to be complete, or waiting for a wish to come true, an argument to settle, and a relationship to mend. Maybe you’re waiting for a dream to happen, or a solution to a problem you’re facing. When we pray, and it doesn’t happen as fast as we’d like, we can become frustrated and negative. In our impatience, we create messes, and when God doesn’t bless our mess, we turn away from God. We don’t realize there is a proper time. We must learn to trust God’s timing.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young

VALENTINE’S DAY SERMONS PAGE – sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Valentine’s Day is a sweet time. It’s when we get to tell and express to the primary person we love how much we love them and why. It’s symbolized by the heart. We say we are giving our heart to them. Isn’t this how we are to love God?

WARRIOR – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Let’s look at manhood and why men act, respond, and do what they do. This is insightful for women as well as men. (Acknowledgment and thanks to for graphics and thoughts)

WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE – sermon series, sermon videos, sermon audios, sermon notes
Weapons of Our Warfare. The apostle Paul instructs us there is a war. Not only is there a war. We are the participants in this war. This war is of maximum proportions. This war is a war far advanced from any of the thousands of wars ever taken place, and this war does not only affect a few nations. It affects the entire globe. It affects every person now on this planet or who will ever exist on this planet, and it is a mighty war using advanced weapons. These weapons are unknown and hidden from the common man. Only the New Testament believer has access to them. The sad part of this war is every person is doomed unless they use and activate the weapons of our warfare.
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–WHAT CAN YOU DO? to help your church grow – sermon series, sermon video, sermon audio, sermon notes
As you probably know, “church” in America is changing. In fact, “church” around the planet is changing. Surveys show people have a greater interest in spiritual things than ever. However, they are less interested in traditional church than ever. Is this a bad thing? To me it’s a good thing. This is why I was born. To me, this is why our church exists. This should be our finest hour.

–WICKED WOMEN OF THE BIBLE – sermon series, sermon notes, sermon audio, sermon video
Wickedness began somewhere. Guess where and with which gender. I received flack about this series. I was called a chauvinist and several other enlightening adjectives. Interestingly, the negative comments were all by men. I’m not any of those things, but for anyone to think women cannot be as wicked as men then someone is delusional. The Bible is full of wicked women. I’ve only pointed out six in our series. These women will not cause you any problems, but if women you know relate to these women, they could.
Sermon Series by Pastor Delbert Young
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