A Heart for God: How to Cultivate Spiritual Passion requires focusing on God’s work in our lives, even during challenging times. David, described as a man after God’s own heart, exemplifies this devotion despite his imperfections. To develop spiritual passion, we must recognize that God is constantly working behind the scenes, preparing us for His purposes. It’s crucial to understand that God looks at our hearts, not our outward appearances or accomplishments. By maintaining a God-seeking heart, repenting quickly when we fall, and trusting in His plan, we can nurture a deep, lasting passion for God that withstands life’s ups and downs.
- This article answers the following five questions:
- What does it mean to have “A Heart for God”?
- How did David exemplify having a heart for God despite his imperfections?
- What is the significance of God working “behind the scenes” in our lives?
- Why does God look at the heart rather than outward appearances?
- How can we maintain a God-seeking heart in the face of life’s challenges?
By Pastor Delbert Young
A Heart for God: How to Cultivate Spiritual Passion
A Heart for God: How to Cultivate Spiritual Passion
Scriptures: Acts 13:22; Judges 21:25; 1 Samuel 8:7, 1 Samuel 10:23-24, 1 Samuel 15:26, 16:1; Romans 8:28; 1 Samuel 16:6-7; 11, 12-13,
Of all the Bible characters we are allowed to study… of all the characters from which we glean our lessons of life, none are more instructive than DAVID. Did you realize next to Jesus Christ, the Lord dedicates more Bible to David than any other person? (Something like 66 chapters in the O.T. and fifty-nine references in the N.T.) What’s the Lord trying to tell us?
- The story of David begins with David as a young boy.
It never ended. Though David’s death is recorded, his story still goes on. Again, what do you think the Lord is attempting to tell us through David? David’s story moves from great faith to great doubt to great confusion, to great confidence, to great fear, to great sin, to… His life is like a ride at Disney World: up, down, curve, sharp snatching turn, and seldom smooth. Yet, David is the only person in the entire Bible to whom God refers as a man after God’s own heart. What does this mean? One thing it means is David was after the heart of God. David wanted to capture God’s heart.
- A man’s heart and a woman’s heart should be a heart after the Father’s heart.
Acts 13:22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART; he will do everything I want him to do.’
David experienced every emotion you and I will ever experience. The wonderful thing about the story is we are given the detailed steps taking David into those experiences and the detailed steps as to how he came out of them.
David was anything but perfect. In his up moments, no one was better. In his down moments, no one was worse. David lusted as a husband. He was weak as a father. He made horrible decisions. David was hated. He was disciplined… by God. When David kept his heart right and focused on God, giants fell. When he didn’t, David fell. Same with you and me. Yet, amazingly, no matter what the experience, emotion, or sin, David kept a heart for God, or he repented quickly to regain a heart for God!
To me, that’s why so much is written in the scriptures about David. The Lord is saying to you and me, learn from David. If you will, you will learn how to keep your heart right toward God, people, family, friends, and yourself. You can be a person after God’s own heart. Let’s take some time and learn from the life of David.
One of the saddest things to observe as a pastor is people who, when experiencing the sharp turns and sudden downs of life, lose their heart for God.
A little bump, and they skip church. A down dip, and they stop giving to the kingdom. Some adversity and they stop serving. It’s nearly as if they are looking for a reason not to serve the Lord rather than a reason to serve the Lord. They don’t understand God is working through all the ups and downs.
- What do you do when the downs and unexpected turns of life happen?
My goal through our series is to inspire us to climb higher, do better, and stand taller. I want us to see that even though we face giant times, lonely times, sinful times, and depressing times, we can be successful, young and old, men and women who are after God’s own heart. I want us to understand more about how God works in our lives. The first thing we learn is…
Let’s set David’s “scene” somewhat. It was a strange and indifferent time for the people of God. Just before the time of David, God used judges to lead his people. Samuel was a great judge but a poor father. The people did not want Samuel’s lawless sons to lead them after Samuel died, so they demanded a king like the other nations. What does that mean? Imagine living in 1,000 B.C. with no law enforcement, National Guard, police, sheriff, state patrol, FBI… nothing. The strong survived, and the weak were abused and died. Here is the description of the times.
Judges 21:25 In those days Israel had no king; EVERYONE DID AS HE SAW FIT.
Can you imagine the lawlessness and corruption of the time? That’s why people wanted a king. Even the people of God abused one another, took advantage of one another, and killed one another. Aren’t you happy it’s not that way today? Or, does each one do as he or she sees fit?
Initially, Samuel said “No” to the demand for a king. The Lord spoke to Samuel.
1 Samuel 8:7 And the LORD told him: Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.
Things were as they were because people rejected God’s ways and everyone did as he/she saw fit. Sometimes, we think we know what we want and what is best for us when it’s not. We want what we see fit. The horrible truth is that God will let us have it to teach us life lessons. God knows perfectly well what is best for us. The problem is, we don’t know. So we, like David, end up on a roller coaster ride through life – up, down, jerk left, sharp curve right…
- God gave the people Saul as their king precisely what they wanted, but not what they needed.
1 Samuel 10:23-24 …he [Saul] stood head and shoulders above anyone else. Then Samuel said to all the people, “This is the man the LORD has chosen as your king. No one in all Israel is his equal!” And all the people shouted, “Long live the king!”
When we get what we want, we shout and give testimony… sometimes too soon.
Saul looked like a king but did not have a heart for God. He did not save the ship as hoped. He nearly sank it. Saul became a lawless psychotic maniac, as we will see. Saul continually disobeyed the Lord. Once, with specific instructions from the Lord, Saul again disobeyed. That was it. God’s grace ran out, and the Lord rejected Saul as king.
1 Samuel 15:26 But Samuel said to him, “…You have rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD has rejected you as king over Israel!”
It is important to note that God did not say he rejected Saul. It says God rejected Saul as king. About ten years into Saul’s reign, David came onto the scene. Saul’s failure did not catch God off guard. God had been working BEHIND THE SCENES. Saul’s failure did not surprise God. When Saul failed, God did not say, “Oh my goodness! What do I do now? Angels, give me some ideas!”
- When a man or woman of God fails, or when you or I fail, nothing of God fails.
When someone dies, does God die? Our changing does not mean God changes. Nothing of God’s eternal plan is altered when our lives are unexpectedly altered.
God was already working behind the scenes long before the people wanted a king. Long before the people chose Saul, God was working behind the scenes. God was working behind the scenes long before Saul messed up and the Lord rejected him as king. Realize, long before you messed up, or I messed up, God was working behind the scenes.
1 Samuel 16:1 The LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”
The Lord already chose someone because God has been working behind the scenes. Isn’t it interesting that the Lord did not tell Samuel which son of Jesse to anoint? Why?
- Because there is a great lesson to learn here, which Samuel had not yet learned. Let’s see if we have.
Bethlehem was a tiny little village, just a map-dot. Imagine a king coming from LaFayette, Georgia, or Summerville, or Ringgold, or Rock Spring! It could be you or your child. David didn’t have a clue that Samuel and God were discussing him, but God was working behind the scenes. For years, God was preparing David for this day in solitude by David patiently leading sheep so he could patiently, in public, lead people. The Lord, behind the scenes, prepared David by having him kill a lion and a bear so that one day David could kill Goliath. God, behind the scenes, prepared David to play his harp, write psalms, and sing so he could, as we will see, soon step into the palace and play and sing for Saul. Saul’s failures did not catch God off guard.
God is working behind your scenes too.
Your spouse’s, children’s, or boss’s failures do not catch God off guard. God is working behind your scenes. Though life took an unexpected change, it did not change God. When unexpected change happens, step back and wait with anticipation to see what God is doing behind your scenes.
Samuel was on his way to Bethlehem early in the morning, leading a heifer to sacrifice. The same morning, David is on his way to the pastures leading sheep. The sun came up that morning like any other morning. No angel trumpet heralded the day Samuel would anoint a great king. It was like any other morning for David.
- Little did he know his life would never be the same because God was working behind…
God has some extremely exciting events ahead for you. For some, it might happen today or tomorrow. For some, it may be next week, month, or year. We don’t know when, but we do know God, behind the scenes, is working all things together for good for those who love him.
Romans 8:28 And we know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
We could say all things work together for good for them that have a heart for God. God is working right now behind your scenes.
Samuel arrived at Bethlehem, found Jesse, explained his mission, and Jesse brought in his boys. Well, Jesse brought all of them but one. He had eight sons and two daughters. The oldest was Eliab.
1 Samuel 16:6-7 When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely the LORD’S anointed stands here before the LORD.” But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but THE LORD LOOKS AT THE HEART.”
Even the great Samuel had not learned that lesson. The Lord is looking at your heart and my heart. I am sure you have heard that verse quoted, but did you know its context is with David’s anointing? God’s not all concerned about the square footage of my house, the label on my clothes, my diplomas, or how much Bible I quote. He is looking at my heart.
- Samuel, like most of us, at least at first encounter, became enamored with the outward appearance.
I watched the O’Reilly Factor, and Dennis Miller was questioned about President Bush. Millier said, “I am enamored with Bush.” I thought, “Enamored?” Miller went on to explain that in the face of public opinion, Bush did what he believed in his heart, no matter the adversity or popular opinion. Miller was looking at President Bush’s heart.
At what do you look concerning people? At what part of you does God look? It’s important to know this if you want God’s success in life. Could not knowing this be a significant problem with unsuccessful people? Of course it is! God is looking at your heart.
Though outwardly looking the part, Eliab was critical and negative and looked down on others (1Sa 17:28). God said Eliab was not his leader. Why? His heart was not right. This type of thing went on for all seven sons. Samuel was confused but learned the lesson.
1 Samuel 16:11 So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered, “but he is tending the sheep.” Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.”
Isn’t it interesting that David’s father didn’t even see a king in David? 66 chapters of the Bible speak about this boy. It’s David who established the most well-known historical city in the world – Jerusalem. The Son of God is also called the Son of David. David wrote half the Psalms in the Book of Psalms, but that day, even his father did not include him in a major family event. Jesse didn’t see David’s heart.
What do you see in your children? I hear parents put down their children, call them stupid, trouble, an accident, fat, ugly, etc. What potential do you see in your children? Can you see a king or a queen and greatness inside them? What does God see? What is God looking at in your child?
David had no idea all this was going on. He was out with the sheep. David was doing what he was supposed to do. That’s how it should be.
- Do well what we do until the Lord anoints us to do something different.
1 Samuel 16:12-13 So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the LORD said, “Rise and anoint him; HE IS THE ONE.” So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, AND FROM THAT DAY ON THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD CAME UPON DAVID IN POWER…
David was not sloppy. He was a nice-looking young man who, though a shepherd in the fields where no one saw him, seemed to take pride in his appearance. “Ruddy” means of reddish tent hair. It was not red hair, but a reddish tent, probably from sun exposure. One translation (NLT) also speaks about his “pleasant eyes.” Though the Lord does not look at outward appearance, he doesn’t take offense to someone with a “fine appearance.”
- Samuel anointed David.
After his anointing, did David run to the crown store and try on crowns? No. Did he take off to find Saul and tell Saul he was now king? No. What did he do? He went back to his sheep. He didn’t brag. We have not been told of any time that David ever mentioned it. I am sure that as Mary did, when told of the birth of Jesus, David pondered these things in his heart and waited for God to open the door.
God saw in David what no one else saw in David, not David’s father or even Samuel. God saw a GOD-SEEKING HEART. Man measures your wallet. God measures your heart. God is looking at your heart. David had a heart for God. How about you? Do you have a heart for God?
Besides Jesus, God records more about David than any other biblical character.
David was not perfect. When he kept his heart focused on God, giants fell. When he didn’t, David fell. It’s exactly the same for us. But he stood taller, climbed higher, and did better than any king before or after him. God was working behind the scenes for David. He does for all his children who keep their hearts focused. Though you fail, God is working. God is working behind your scenes right now. God is looking at your heart right now. What do you look at when observing a person or observing yourself? What does he see? Does he see a heart for God?
A Heart for God: How to Cultivate Spiritual Passion
A Heart for God: How to Cultivate Spiritual Passion
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