1 Corinthians Study Audio Series. The church at Corinth had problem after problem after problem. Paul wrote this book to give directions concerning these problems. This book provides us with a glimpse of a first-century church, how it functioned, and the problems it experienced.
1 Corinthians Study Audio Series
(21 lessons from this amazing book)
The church at Corinth had problem after problem after problem. Paul wrote this book to give directions concerning these problems. We learn much about how to problems should be handled in today’s church.
Paul said if there are divisions and strife among us then we are carnal and worldly. We are mere babies in Christ. It doesn’t mean we are not saved, but it does mean we are immature.
Paul continued dealing with problems in the church. Paul preached Christ and Him crucified. Once this is understood as most important other problems become less important.
Apostle Paul did not come with superiority of speech. He came knowing nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The chapter is divided into 2 sections v 1-5 and v 6-16.
1 Corinthians Study Audio
The apostle divided those in the church into two groups – those spiritual and those carnal, those mature and those who are babes. I have divided the chapter into 4 sections: v 1-3 infants; v 4-7 the indwelling, v 8-20 the individual, v 21-23 inherit.
Paul deals with those criticizing him. How do we recognize a true ministry of God? First see them as a servant to Christ. Four sections: v 1-2 How to see the ministry of an apostle; v 3-5 How to respond to judgment of others; verses 6-13 apostolic sarcasms; v 14-21 Father ministry
There was sexual immorality in this church. A man was having sexual relationship with his father’s wife. Paul instructed the church how to deal with this.
Chapter 6 not available
The apostle deals with the unmarried, married, and remarriage. We each find ourselves in one of these situations. It is a very important chapter for today’s society.
1 Corinthians Study Audio
Some Corinthian believers asked Paul 3 questions: Is it good not to marry? Should believers remain married? What should we do if our children are not yet married?
Paul explains how a believer, husband or wife, brings God’s blessings into a home when the mate is not a believer. Because of the believer, the unbeliever can be saved.
The apostle deals with the question of Christian liberties. Paul tells us if what we are doing offends others then this is what determines what we should do even if there is no specific command from the Lord. It’s love our actions must be built upon.
Each of us have the right to partake of what our lives produce. Paul taught a minister is expected to receive from the gospel he or she preached. However, the minister is expected to train and run to win.
Paul continues discussing Christian liberty. Paul gives a warning and then makes the warning applicable.
Paul taught about people indulging themselves (women) at the expense of others in church meetings. First, Paul compliments them for following his instructions. He sets the divine response of Christ, the man, and the woman.
1 Corinthians Study Audio
Paul tells these Christians a reason some were weak, sick, and dying was because of the way they did the table of the Lord. It wasn’t because they were not doing it. It was because of how they did it.
There are so many different doctrines about what happens to the bread and the drink at the Lord’s Table. Does it change? One thing we do know is it’s to remember Jesus and it’s to show His death until He comes.
When we take a look at the Passover meal we gain a far greater understanding of the Lord’s table. Paul emphasizes the importance of living in the body of Christ. We have not properly discerned the body of Christ.
Paul explains what happens when the table of the Lord is not properly received. Instead of discerning the body and working life when not properly discerned it works sickness and even death.
People can think they are very spiritual but only be very divided. This was the problem at the Church at Corinth. It’s how much we need the body and love the body. We can speak with the tongues of men and angels but be only a sounding brass and clanging cymbal.
There are diversities, but without the presence of God, there is nothing. There are at least 21 different gifts, so this is not a teaching about gifts of the Spirit. It’s a teaching about loving and needing the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians Study Audio
This church at Corinth and every church has problems. They thought they were spiritual but Paul told them they were carnal and divided. Is there an answer? Yes. The answer is real love. The motivation for the gifts of the Spirit must be love. The bottom line of love is love never quits.
(Chapters 14, 15, and 16 are not available yet. I’m hoping to locate them and add them to this study.)
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