Growing Up In God Series: How to Mature in Faith with videos, audio, and notes explores the concept of spiritual maturity levels as outlined in 1 John 2:12-14. This series addresses the issue of Arrested Development Syndrome in the spiritual realm, where believers stop growing in their faith. The sermons focus on key areas of spiritual growth, including giving, praise, serving, and utilizing spiritual gifts. By examining these aspects, Christians are encouraged to assess their current level of maturity and take steps to progress from spiritual childhood to fatherhood, avoiding stagnation and fostering continuous growth in their relationship with God.
Growing Up In God Series: How to Mature in Faith with videos, audio, and notes
Growing Up in Giving sermon video audio notes
What I want to talk about today is what most say to be the number one universal immaturity issue found in Christ followers. What do you think that might be? That number one immaturity is financially giving to the kingdom of God. Let me ask you a question off the top. Will a mature Christian give financially the way the Bible says to give? Giving tithes, offerings, and alms is the number one immaturity of Christians. We need be Growing Up In God.
Growing Up in Praise sermon video audio notes
Allow me to begin by asking you a series of questions to make you think. Should mature believers praise God the way the Bible instructs them to praise God? Do mature believers praise God in the bad times as well as the good times? Do mature believers desire other believers to praise God? Why? Moreover, why is it important to me that you praise God? Furthermore, why is it important to God you praise God? So, there must be some reason(s) he wants us to GROW UP IN PRAISE.
Growing Up in Serving sermon series video audio notes
What do you think? Do mature believers find, join, and maybe create a place to enjoy serving in their local churches? Also, did and does Jesus serve the church? Additionally, did Paul serve in the church? Another question is did Peter, James, John, and millions/billions of others serve in their local churches? Do mature Christ followers you know serve? Of course, they do. So, do you serve? We need to be Growing Up In God.
Growing Up in Spiritual Gifts sermon video audio notes
Do mature Christians operate in spiritual gifts? Did Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, John, etc? Do you? How many of you are blessed when your children not only OPEN but — USE the gifts you give them. That is how it is with spiritual gifts. God gives every one of his children spiritual gifts, and it blesses him when we use them. But, sadly, many (most) have never unwrapped their gifts. Others seldom, if ever, use them. How about you? We need be Growing Up In God.
Growing Up In God Series: How to Mature in Faith
Growing Up In God Series: How to Mature in Faith
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