James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audios notes. A look into the Book of James, the half-brother of Jesus. I want us to walk out today thinking, “Yes. that’s the way life actually works.” James said, look into a mirror. Fix or don’t fix what you see. That’s how your life works. So, let’s call the series “The Way Life Works.” Study with us.
James The Book – How Life Works
James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audio notes
Trials How They Work – sermon video audio notes
I cannot think of one trial or one test I went through that did not mature me and make me a far better Christ follower. Trials develop the believer. We are successful in life because we have been successful in trials. That’s HOW LIFE WORKS. It’s in James the book.
Temptation How It Works – sermon audio notes
Temptation is as natural as breathing. In fact, if you are breathing, you are tempted. It happens to all of us. It’s how life works. I want to make two points before moving on. First, don’t play like you are never tempted. This would be like being a hypocrite. If every person in the Bible was tempted including Jesus, then I am sort of silly to play like I am too spiritual, or too smart, or too old to be tempted. It’s in James the book.
Anger How It Works – sermon video audio notes
The temptation we look at today is anger. Has anyone ever been tempted with anger? James connects anger with talking when we should be listening. Have you ever thought about this? People who become angry quickly and excessively are people who are quick to talk and slow to listen. It’s in James the book.
James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audio notes
Faith How It Works – sermon video audio notes
Out of the gate, James punches us in the nose with a startling fact. Faith only works if it is producing deeds. If I say I am saved, but I am not doing anything in the kingdom of God, I am deceived. Before we go any further, let’s make it clear what James views at stake here. James asked, “Can it save?” James views a person’s salvation at stake. It’s in James the book.
Tongue How It Works – sermon video audio notes
Our tongue determines our maturity level. James, being somewhat facetious, said if we have gotten to the place where we never say the wrong thing, then we have arrived at total maturity. Not only does the person never say anything wrong. Neither does the person do anything wrong. This person is ‘able to keep his whole body in check.’ I do not know anyone like this and it is the point. It’s in James the book.
Wisdom From Heaven How It Works – sermon video audio notes
In this passage, James contrasts the wisdom from heaven and the wisdom from hell. There is no other. The wisdom I use in my life or with people is either from heaven or from hell. The wisdom I receive for my life is wisdom from heaven or from hell. We have all witnessed both.
Fights And Quarrels How They Work – sermon video audio notes
How many of us have seen fights and quarrels in church? Okay. How many of us have been involved in fights and quarrels in church? Aren’t we ashamed of ourselves? We can’t even remember what some of those ‘major issues’ having us so upset at the time were about today. I have seen too many fights and quarrels.
James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audio notes
Slander And Judging How They Work – sermon video audio notes
It was interesting as I studied this to learn if a person will not repent and attempt to correct his or her slander and judging ways, the Lord will actually give them over to it. He will not stop a slanderer from slandering. He stops convicting them and they become consumed by it. This is actually God’s wrath working (Rom 1:18).
Wealth And The Lord’s Coming How They Work – sermon video audio notes
Of what coming was James speaking? What did James mean when he told people two thousand years ago they had hoarded wealth in the last days? James sounded like John in the Revelation talking about Jesus coming soon and quickly. What’s up with this? To help us with this passage (and many more), I must do a little history teaching and a little anti-eschatology teaching. But, how does wealth figure in with the Lord’s coming?
Prayer How It Works – sermon video audio notes
James’ context is the danger of swearing or making deals with God. Instead, be a person of integrity and be a person of prayer. God’s people should say “Yes” when we mean yes and say “No” when we mean no. By being people of integrity, we will avoid the need to make deals with God. I never remember the need to make a deal with God when I had been honest and a person of integrity.
James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audio notes
Truth and Evangelism How They Work – sermon video audio notes
I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth. Don’t think too hard about it, but what if you did? How do you think life would go? Would life deteriorate? Would things begin to go badly? What about your soul? What would happen to it? Do you think you would still experience eternal life when you died? This is what James talked about in the last two verses of his book.
James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audio notes
James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audio notes
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