Biblical Praise Study Audio

Biblical Praise Study. As sad as it is few Christians have ever actually Biblically/Scripturally praised God. We’ve sang and called it a praise service and worship service, but praising God is much more than singing. There are 7 aspects of praise found in Psalms 149. We take a look at these seven aspects and challenge one another to Biblically/Scripturally praise the Lord.

Biblical Praise Study Audio


Biblical Praise Part 1 Audio

Praise In The Congregation Audio


Biblical Praise Part 1

Psalm 149 and speaks of many aspects – 1) personal praise, 2) singing, 3) united praise, 4) rejoicing, 5) praise, 6) dancing, and 7) instrumental. The house of God should not be a place of suppression. It should be a place of expression. We should be able to express ourselves in the house of God. Praise should be fun and the most exciting and emotional time of any service. The Lord desires we experience joy, happiness, exhilaration, feel His presence, and enjoy every aspect of our salvation. We can forget our problems and build our faith.

Praise In The Congregation

and there is more to praise than singing. To most Christians praise is only singing. Most Christians never praise God. The Hebrew word for praise is halal from which we get our English word Hallelujah meaning make a show and to rave. Psalm 149 speaks of 7 types of praise: 1) Personal, 2) Singing, 3) United, 4) Rejoicing, 5) Joyful, 6) Dance, and 7) Instrumental. Few congregations actually move into Scriptural praise and worship. Shouldn’t people be instructed in authentic Scriptural praise and worship in accordance with the Lord teaches in His Word?


Biblical Praise Study Audio

Biblical Praise Study Audio


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