Abraham and Isaac – The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abraham and Isaac – The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice sermon/message notes. In this lesson, we examine the importance of having a spiritual “grove” or place where we consistently seek and commune with the Lord, drawing strength for life’s tests. Reflecting on Abraham’s unwavering faith and his ultimate test of offering Isaac, we see how …

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Eternal Judgment Study

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Eternal Judgment Study. Few people and even Christians know what the Scriptures teach concerning eternal judgment. We take a good look into the teaching of the Bible to see what Jesus said, what Paul said, and what others directed by the Holy Spirit had to say about ETERNAL JUDGMENT.  ETERNAL JUDGMENT STUDY 1. Eternal Judgment …

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Acts Chapters 1-2 Study

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapters 1-2 Study is a short study looking at the few days Jesus spent with His disciples after the resurrection and what Jesus told them. Then we take a look at the Ascension of Christ and the events immediately following. Finally, we investigate the Day of Pentecost. What an amazing day it was! There …

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Financial Liberty Series

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Financial Liberty Series. Finances are a huge part of life, but should not be a difficult part of life and will not be if done God’s way. Money should be our friend because it talks. Should we invest some money? Jesus said we should if we want our money to work for us and us …

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Recap and Do I Honor My Parents audio

Recap and Do I Honor My Parents

Recap and Do I Honor My Parents audio. Overview of the entire series. God desires to bless us, but first, we act and God responds. We need to take inventory in our lives of the areas not being blessed by God. There are two specific blessings and promises coming with honoring our parents – “that …

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Battling Culture and Society

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Battling Culture and Society. If we spent any amount of time together talking about life what is one thing likely to come up in our conversation? Most likely issues our culture wants us to believe and attempts to force us to accept would be discussed. Sadly, many cultural issues keep people from following Jesus Christ. …

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Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 2 sermon video Luke 11:1-4

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 2 sermon video Luke 11:1-4. I can recite The Lord’s Prayer in 15 seconds, but sometimes I get lost in prayer talking to Father God. I think that’s what the disciple witnessed when he watched Jesus pray. He wanted to experience and wanted others to experience what Jesus experienced, …

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Scriptures Tell Us To Remember audio 

Abraham and Isaac

Scriptures Tell Us To Remember audio. The Bible encourages remembrance. The Lord said, “I will remember my covenant with you.” Deuteronomy 8:2 tells us to And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness. The New Testament tells us to remember Lot’s wife (Luk …

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Importance Of Corporate Unity audio

Abraham and Isaac

Importance Of Corporate Unity audio. We don’t think like God thinks. We see this in this lesson. When one person sins in the body it affects us all. We see this in the story of Achan and the man in 1 Corinthians 5. Not discerning and understanding the body brings bad things upon the entire …

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What Does Praying In The Spirit Mean? notes

What Does Praying In The Spirit Mean? notes. Isn’t all prayer praying in the Spirit. No. If all prayers were then why would the apostle Paul instruct us to specifically pray in the Spirit when in spiritual warfare. Why would Jude tell us to pray in the Spirit to build ourselves up in our most …

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