Abraham and Isaac – The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abraham and Isaac – The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice sermon/message notes. In this lesson, we examine the importance of having a spiritual “grove” or place where we consistently seek and commune with the Lord, drawing strength for life’s tests. Reflecting on Abraham’s unwavering faith and his ultimate test of offering Isaac, we see how …

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Wife of My Dreams sermon notes audio video

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Wife of My Dreams sermon notes audio video. If we men give ourselves to our wives (and children), we will experience back the wife of our dreams. It is all associated with our giving. Our giving to them and experiencing back exactly what we want is inseparable. We can experience a wonderful home with no …

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Destruction and Rejection of a Home sermon

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Destruction and Rejection of a Home. Why does a home fail? Have you ever pondered this thought? I am certain we could come up with many answers, but in a moment I plan to show us the one true answer. Why does it seem praying and begging God will not save a marriage or its …

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Give Intentionally sermon notes audio video

be rich

Give Intentionally sermon notes audio video. In detail, we scheme for ways to get what we want. We are INTENTIONAL consumers. As a matter of fact, we plan how to “intentionally” consume.  If we want something badly enough we begin thinking and scheming. If I cut back on this and this and don’t eat for …

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Deceitfulness of Riches sermon notes audio video

be rich

Deceitfulness of Riches sermon notes audio. Riches promise things they cannot deliver. Also, riches promise happiness. Furthermore, riches promise security. Riches promise satisfaction. Moreover, riches promise peace and joy, but riches cannot give those things. Only God can give those things. There’s a deceitfulness of riches. Jesus spoke of people who actually received the word of …

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I Am Rich sermon notes audio video

be rich

I Am Rich sermon notes audio video. The Bible does teach much about How to BE RICH in a way that honors and pleases God. Our series is not How To GET Rich. The series is about HOW TO BE RICH. I am rich. The scriptures do not teach us so much about how to …

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Baptism Jesus Said So: How to Fulfill Righteousness

Expect To Change In Water Baptism audio

Baptism Jesus Said So: How to Fulfill Righteousness sermon notes video audio. This thought brings us to these questions we should all ask. “Why should I be baptized in water if I’ve already become a disciple of Jesus Christ?” Answer: Jesus said so. “But, if the blood of Jesus cleansed me from my sin, why …

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Baptism Into Jesus: How to Embrace New Life

Expect To Change In Water Baptism audio

Baptism Into Jesus: How to Identify with Christ sermon notes video audio. When baptized in water, you are immersed into Christ Jesus. With correct baptism in water, the water becomes Christ Jesus in an object lesson symbolism (Rom 6:3) uniting us with Christ. In the Old Covenant, the children of Israel were baptized into Moses. …

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Water Baptism 101: How to Understand Its Significance

Expect To Change In Water Baptism audio

Water Baptism 101: How to Understand Its Significance sermon video notes audio. Salvation is not adding Jesus into your life. Salvation is Jesus adding you into his death, burial, and resurrection, all displayed through the solemn act of water baptism. In water baptism, we know there is the involvement of water, but most Christians are …

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Baggage Dump – How To Change The Way I Think


Baggage Dump – How To Change The Way I Think sermon notes audio video. (over 2,100 YouTube views) – David didn’t talk about a physical wound. He talked about something just as serious and just as crippling. People wound us with words and actions in the process of life. It’s baggage. We become a baggage …

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