Baggage Dump – How To Change The Way I Think


Baggage Dump – How To Change The Way I Think sermon notes audio video. (over 2,100 YouTube views) – David didn’t talk about a physical wound. He talked about something just as serious and just as crippling. People wound us with words and actions in the process of life. It’s baggage. We become a baggage …

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Emotional Baggage – How to Trust Again After Betrayal


Emotional Baggage – How to Trust Again After Betrayal – sermon notes audio. Discover how to trust again after betrayal by unpacking your Emotional Baggage. Overcome past hurts and move forward with healing. Once bruised, emotions become tender and sensitive. We walk through life picking up emotional ‘bruisings’ – a scratch here, a chip there, …

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Baggage of Depression – How to Overcome Low Moments


Baggage of Depression – How to Overcome Low Moments – You might be saying, Man, this will be a good lesson because I know this person, and they need to hear this. The truth is a time will come when the baggage of depression will get you if it has not already. I never thought …

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Baggage of Addictions – How to Rebuild Your Life


Baggage of Addictions – How to Rebuild Your Life video audio notes. When you offer yourself to God, you are also offering your Baggage of Addictions to God. When we come to Christ, we come with all of our baggage of addictions. Is this correct, or do we clean up first? No, we can’t clean …

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