Give Intentionally sermon notes audio video

be rich

Give Intentionally sermon notes audio video. In detail, we scheme for ways to get what we want. We are INTENTIONAL consumers. As a matter of fact, we plan how to “intentionally” consume.  If we want something badly enough we begin thinking and scheming. If I cut back on this and this and don’t eat for …

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Deceitfulness of Riches sermon notes audio video

be rich

Deceitfulness of Riches sermon notes audio. Riches promise things they cannot deliver. Also, riches promise happiness. Furthermore, riches promise security. Riches promise satisfaction. Moreover, riches promise peace and joy, but riches cannot give those things. Only God can give those things. There’s a deceitfulness of riches. Jesus spoke of people who actually received the word of …

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I Am Rich sermon notes audio video

be rich

I Am Rich sermon notes audio video. The Bible does teach much about How to BE RICH in a way that honors and pleases God. Our series is not How To GET Rich. The series is about HOW TO BE RICH. I am rich. The scriptures do not teach us so much about how to …

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