Shut the Windows Daniel sermon notes

Daniel and Trouble

Shut the Windows Daniel sermon notes. We are to obey the law of the land, correct? Daniel openly disobeyed. Could Daniel not have closed the windows and prayed? Also, this law was only a thirty-day law. Could Daniel not have omitted praying for thirty days? He would not have gone to hell for discontinuing praying for …

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Handwriting on the Wall God of Breath sermon notes

Daniel and Trouble

Handwriting on the Wall God of Breath. And the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified. Have you ever heard the term “The handwriting on the wall?” It comes from the Bible and from this chapter of Daniel. Have you ever asked anyone, Can’t you …

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Nebuchadnezzar Till Seven Times Pass: How to Accept Correction

Daniel and Trouble

Nebuchadnezzar Till Seven Times Pass sermon notes. God chastened Nebuchadnezzar till seven times passed. God loved Nebuchadnezzar. Some would say that could not be. Oh yes, it is true! For God so loved the world… God has always loved the world and always loved people. The problem was Nebuchadnezzar had become haughty and was attempting …

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First Church Of Nebuchadnezzar

Daniel and Trouble

First Church Of Nebuchadnezzar sermon notes. If there was not a threat of hell, no threat of the burning fiery furnace, would you continue to worship God? Take it a step further. If there was no reward of heaven, would you still worship him? Would these at Nebuchadnezzar’s service fall and worship the image that …

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The God Of Dreams sermon notes

Daniel and Trouble

 The God Of Dreams sermon notes. Dreams are usually taken lightly by us. The Bible takes them very seriously. God created us with the ability to dream. Why? Are dreams to wake us up in the middle of the night? Are they to give us something to do when we sleep? No, we dream for …

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The Beautiful And The Intelligent

Daniel and Trouble

The Beautiful And The Intelligent audio video and notes. Daniel would not have gotten into this trouble had he not been beautiful and intelligent. We would not have the book of Daniel to draw truths from had Daniel been ugly and ignorant. Everyone has trouble. Ugly people have trouble and ignorant people have trouble. However, …

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