Hearing The Word Of God: How To Understand Mysteries

Deal Or No Deal

Hearing the Word of God: How to Understand Mysteries video audio notes. The Lord made a deal with us. By hearing the Word of God, we can know and understand the mysteries of the parables, meaning the mysteries of life. Others listen but never hear. Imagine being able to understand vital mysteries about life! DEAL …

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Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead

Deal Or No Deal

Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead sermon video audio notes. Jesus filtered graves down to two resurrections or the hour that is coming. The reason, the purpose for hearing, believing, and salvation is to be in the resurrection of life and avoid the resurrection of damnation. The resurrection is going to happen. We do not …

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Forgiving Deal or No Deal sermon

Deal Or No Deal

Forgiving Deal or No Deal sermon video audio notes. We are never more like our heavenly Father than when we forgive. Nothing is more Christian than forgiving. You are children OF YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN when you forgive. The process of forgiveness begins with love by praying for those who have injured you exactly as …

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Giving Tithes Greatest Hits Series

Deal Or No Deal

Giving Tithes Greatest Hits video audio notes. You enable or hold back ministry by your giving or not giving tithes. You add or stop maintenance and improvements by how you give, and you rob God by not supporting the ministry he gives and by not helping to maintain your place of worship. We know you …

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Giving a Tithe sermon video audio notes

Deal Or No Deal

Giving a Tithe sermon video audio notes. Here is the Lord’s deal: He said if you will BRING the whole tithe – not 2% or 7% – the whole tithe, you can test him. He said, “…see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will …

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