What Can You Do – How to be a Blessing to Others

What Can You Do? Sermons Sermon Seriesvideo audio

What Can You Do – How to be a Blessing to Others Series. As you probably know, the church is changing. However, surveys show people have a greater interest in spiritual things than ever, but they are less interested in traditional church. Is this a bad thing? To me, it’s a good thing. This is …

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The Tool of Christ – How to Reach People

The Tool

The Tool of Christ – How to Reach People. I am convinced the church is a tool through which the Holy Spirit works to save souls and make those souls disciples of Christ. The church is sent to every ethnic group. The Church is to be the tool of the kingdom. This tool is to …

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Reimagine Church – How to Think Different

Doctrines Of Christ audio

Reimagine Church audio video notes. ‘The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.’ Do you think differently and like it because you do? Let’s re-imagine church. How crazy are you? How crazy am I? Have you ever felt like a round peg in a square …

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Have You Invited Anyone to Church

Have you invited anyone

Have You Invited Anyone to Church sermon series video audio notes. Most of us began coming to church and eventually came to the Lord because someone simply invited us to church. Usually, immediately after we come to the Lord and become an attendee at church, we invite everyone we know. However, after a short time, …

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Volunteering Is It Worth It sermon video audio

Have You Invited Anyone

Volunteering Is It Worth It video audio. What you give, what you bring, what you give volunteering will affect heaven. No one gets more Holy Spirit than another. We are all given the gift of the Holy Spirit to do things in the kingdom. The world was changed because of volunteers in the Kingdom of …

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Climb In The Chariot sermon notes

Climb in the chariot

Climb In The Chariot sermon notes. Notice that Philip started out with instructions from an angel. I promise you that if we start out, the Spirit will help you every time. THEN the Spirit became involved – Go to that chariot and stay near it. Sometimes, we just need to simply stay near people and be accessible to them. …

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We Have Found sermon video audio notes

Have you invited anyone

We Have Found sermon video audio notes. The second easy and effective step to bring people to Jesus Christ is invite people to what you have found. Andrew said, WE HAVE FOUND THE MESSIAH! Maybe it is your small group where you FOUND excitement and a real experience with Jesus. Maybe it is the praise …

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Reaching Through Relationships – How to Know the Importance of Bonding

Reaching through relationships

Reaching Through Relationships – How to Know the Importance of Bonding audio video notes. People were created to experience relationships. We are created to GIVE and RECEIVE the wonderful things relationships offer. Great and eternal things happen to us because of relationships. We experience hopelessness and despair when we do not have relationships. Relationships are …

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Church We Have A Problem video audio notes

Church We Have A Problem sermon video audio notes. The words from Apollo 13 were Houston we have a problem. The only concern of Houston became to get the men in trouble home. They refocused everything. I want us to refocus. What will it take for us to realize that precious people are in trouble …

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