Fatherhood Lessons from Abraham: Directing Children in God’s Ways

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Fatherhood Lessons from Abraham: Directing Children in God’s Ways audio. He not only commanded his children. He also commanded his household after him. We live in a time when households and children are disasters. If we simply look at the generation taught to “spank” or discipline their children according to Scriptures versus the generation taught to …

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The Unique Role of Adam’s Rib in Family Creation

Adam's Rib Father's Day sermon video and audio

Adam’s Rib Father’s Day sermon video audio notes Why did God use one of Adam’s bones? Why not a piece of Adam’s heart, or a piece of his brain? The rib bone is special. It’s the only bone in the human body capable of regenerating itself. Adam’s woman/wife, Adam’s children, Adam’s family, and Adam’s posterity …

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A Man Is Happy: How Extreme Happiness Is Earned

This Is How A Man Is Happy

A Man Is Happy: How Extreme Happiness Is Earned Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. How happy should a man be? Dad, how happy should you be? Do you deserve happiness or just want happiness? We earn long-term extreme happiness. It does not just happen. Dad, the Bible says if your home is not extremely …

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Discovering The Greatest Gift: A Father’s Legacy Of Love

What Is The Greatest Gift A Father Can Give His Child Father's day sermon video audio notes

Discovering The Greatest Gift: A Father’s Legacy Of Love Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. Tell me the best present a dad can give his children. What do you think this gift is? Likely you might say to lead his child to salvation, or love, or maybe spend time with his child, or leave an …

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Teach Your Child: The Greatest Gift from a Father

Teach Your Child: The Greatest Gift from a Father

Teach Your Child 10 Wisdoms Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. It’s a father’s responsibility to give his children wisdom. If a child conducts their life according to these ten wisdoms they will be a blessing to their father, a blessing to their mother, a blessing to their society and following generations, and will be …

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A Number 10 Father: Proven Wisdom for Fatherhood

Teach Your Child 10 Wisdoms Father's Day sermon video audio notes

A Number 10 Father Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. I want to share 10 vital lessons a father should teach his children. If applied, you sir will be A Number 10 FATHER. If a child learns from dad these ten things, they will be a blessing to you, and society, and they will be …

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Circumcise Again: A Father’s Duty and Symbol of Love

Circumcise Hill of the Foreskins Father's Day sermon video audio notes

Circumcise again: A Father’s Duty and Symbol of Love Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. I was in a series from the Book of Joshua and then it was Father’s Day. It was the 5th chapter. Joshua, by God’s order, was to tell the men to circumcise again the children of God. What an amazing …

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Father’s Day Special: Learn to Call Your Husband

Call Your Husband Father's Day sermon video audio notes

Call Your Husband Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. From an email: Father’s Day is a tough day for some of us. Not only those who lost their Fathers through death suffered. There are some of us who suffer because our Fathers live, and yet remain dead to us. While I try to focus on …

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The Love and Longing of a Father’s Heart: Breaking or Blessing

Breaking or Blessing a Father's Heart Father's Day sermon video audio notes

Breaking or Blessing a Father’s Heart Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. There is this attitude the prodigal had about getting away from his father. The boy was saying, ‘I don’t need you.’ He took his journey into a far country. It breaks a dad’s heart when his children don’t want to be with him, …

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Are My Children Saved: How to Ensure Their Salvation

Are My Children Saved

Are My Children Saved Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. Bad fathers unintentionally cause bad things to happen to their children. Sadly and unknowingly, this could be for three or four generations! How horrible it would be for a man to seem successful by the world, but his children be damned for hell. That’s not …

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