Don’t Be Like Saul video audio notes

Don't Be Like

Don’t Be Like Saul video audio notes. He began well but ended so badly. I want to finish my life well. How about you? I do not want to come to my end grieving the Lord, his presence removed from me, and having nothing. What happened to Saul? Can an individual be chosen of God, …

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Don’t Be Like Jezebel sermon notes

Don't Be Like

Don’t Be Like Jezebel sermon notes. Often when anyone in a church, especially a woman, gets on the wrong side of someone, they label the person “JEZEBEL.”  It is worse than cussing her. She is a wicked woman. Even the Lord dislikes Jezebel. She is definitely a person to not be like. DON’T BE LIKE …

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Do Not Be Like Absalom sermon

Don't Be Like

Do Not Be Like Absalom sermon video audio notes. The Bible says, Absalom stole the hearts of people. He didn’t earn their hearts or win their hearts. Instead, he stole their hearts. As a result, he began projecting leadership as incompetent. He was saying, ‘The king is not doing his job. Here is what he …

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