Values Getting There From Here

Values Getting There From Here video audio

Values Getting There From Here video audio notes. The background is a larva transformed into a butterfly. How does it get from the ugly larva to the beautiful butterfly? It must go through the cocoon stage which is a total metamorphosis. Before you or I can change the way we think, we too must cocoon …

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Values From the Kingdom sermon

Values Getting There From Here video audio

Values From the Kingdom sermon video audio notes. Values by definition are that which we think much of and regard highly. The values in a person’s life are those things that determine the person’s identity and destiny. The values we embrace define our success or our failure, the type of person we marry, the education …

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It All Goes Back in the Box sermon

Values Getting There From Here video audio

It All Goes Back in the Box sermon video audio notes. Grandpa said, Delbert Ray, all the money and houses and land and cars and hotels and railroads go back in the box. I know you worked hard learning how to get them and worked hard learning how to play the game, but they do …

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