The Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl: Unraveling Kingdom Secrets

Parables of the kingdom

The Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl: Unraveling Kingdom Secrets sermon video audio notes. Both parables teach us the incomparable value of the kingdom. The treasure in the field is Christ, the Son of man, but he’s hidden in his kingdom, the field, and the oyster shell. The pearl of great value is Christ, the Son …

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Soil Seed and the Kingdom: The Parable of Spiritual Growth

Parables of the kingdom

Soil Seed and the Kingdom: The Parable of Spiritual Growth sermon video audio notes. Jesus said there are four soils or hearts into which the seed – the message of the kingdom – fell. Soil is soil, is soil is soil – dirt is dirt, is… a heart is… The issue is not the soil. …

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Why Jesus Spoke in Parables: Revealing Truth Through Stories

Parables of the kingdom

Why Jesus Spoke in Parables: Revealing Truth Through Stories sermon video audio notes. As we look into Matthew chapter 13, we need to realize we are looking at a monumental section of all the Holy Scriptures. It’s here Jesus speaks specifically about his kingdom through parables. It’s here Jesus speaks about the age in which …

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The Net Parable: Embracing the Reality of the Great Divide

Parables of the kingdom

The Net Parable: Embracing the Reality of the Great Divide video audio notes. There is an angelic separation at judgment. Jesus emphasized the separation. His entire sermon has been about the good and the evil growing together. God allows evil, but a time comes when he makes a separation. The separation is inevitable. Little by …

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The Significance of The Leaven Parable – Audio Video Notes

Parables of the kingdom

The Significance of The Leaven Parable – Audio, Video Sermons – video audio notes. The message of the kingdom must get into a person. Once mixed into their life, it’s like leaven. It causes the person to rise! Once this message is in you, you will never be the same. You will nearly have a …

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Mustard Seed: Growing from Humble Origins to Great Impact

Parables of the kingdom

Mustard Seed: Growing from Humble Origins to Great Impact sermon video audio notes. The baby was raised in the most meager of means for 30 years in a town considered the wrong side of the tracks. Then there were the disciples so unqualified and inadequate, so fearful and faithless. It was the tiny mustard seed …

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Weeds and Wheat: Separating Good from Evil

Parables of the kingdom

Weeds and Wheat: Separating Good from Evil audio video notes. What happens to unbelievers around the believers growing in the good soil? What happens to those in the midst of true believers but only appearing to be real? Jesus explained with his next parable picking up where he left off. Matthew 13:25 But while everyone …

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