False Prophets Because We Are Still Here

Prayer sermon video audio

False Prophets Because we are still here. As the end of 1999 came a new millennium closed in upon us. We began hearing the false prophets of doom declaring the end of the world was upon us. Was it?  Many people you know personally were predicting the end of the world and bad times upon …

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Prayer sermon video audio

Prayer sermon video audio

Prayer sermon video audio. People need to pray. We know we should pray. We know the Lord wants us to pray. The problem isn’t that we don’t know we should pray. The problem is having a desire to pray. This lesson is about developing a desire to pray. If I can help you desire to …

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Antichrist sermon video audio notes

Prayer sermon video audio

Antichrist sermon video audio notes. Antichrist has been a fear phrase used by preachers for over a century. The word sounds mystical and intriguing. Today’s theologians use it with recklessness abandoned. It’s tossed into sermons to strike fear and cause minds to come to attention. It is similar to threatening someone with hell. In today’s …

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My Father Your Father sermon notes

Prayer sermon video audio

My Father Your Father sermon notes. Jesus became very tired of the religious system giving false impressions of his Father. He told their religious system they had a problem. Their father was not the same as His Father. Jesus stood and said to them how the stuff they said and taught was not of the …

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Rapture part 2 sermon video audio notes

Prayer sermon video audio

Rapture part 2 sermon video audio notes. The rapture or being caught up will be glorious and unlike anything ever experienced by man. It is the resurrection. Corruption puts on incorruption. Mortality puts on immortality. Those who have died in Jesus Christ will come out of their graves! Those resurrected along with those alive will …

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Rapture sermon video audio notes

Prayer sermon video audio

Rapture sermon video audio notes. It has been said I do not believe in the rapture (caught up). How can this be? How can anyone not believe this very scriptural and awaited event? What I don’t believe is the teaching of the Dispensationalists saying the ‘rapture’ will be ‘pre-tribulation’ or ‘mid-tribulation’ or ‘post-tribulation.’ Allow me …

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Great Tribulation: How to Discern Truth from Deception

Prayer sermon video audio

Great Tribulation: How to Discern Truth from Deception video audio notes. The Lord Jesus said, then shall be great tribulation. What did Jesus mean by “then”? The modern doctrine says the great tribulation is a future event. Is it? We ask this seemingly silly question because of the context of Matthew 24:21. Jesus is not …

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Time of the Kingdom sermon

Prayer sermon video audio

Time of the Kingdom sermon video audio notes. The Lord Jesus Christ went throughout his region preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. According to him, the time was fulfilled and the kingdom of God was at hand. According to the most popular doctrine today, we still await a time Jesus said was fulfilled. …

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