Peace In the World sermon video audio notes

Peace In the World sermon video audio notes

Peace In the World sermon video audio notes. Are things bad and getting worse? Is it doom and gloom? Will things get worse and worse? Is the end near? Is it what the Bible teaches and the way we are supposed to think concerning PEACE IN THE WORLD? Now is a good time to look …

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Peace With Your Enemies sermon

Peace In the World sermon video audio notes

Peace With Your Enemies sermon video audio notes. We do not purposefully make enemies, but as we travel through life enemies happen.  We want peace, but we do something offending someone, or someone does something offending us. It snowballs as temperaments and tempers collide. It can even become a physical or a judicial matter. There …

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Peace At Home sermon video audio notes

Peace In the World sermon video audio notes

Peace At Home sermon video audio notes. We spend a lot of time with our family members. This part is a good thing, but sometimes it is not a fun thing. The home situation was the first place in scripture where conflict and finger-pointing began. The home was the first place the serpent showed up. …

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Peace Depends on You

Peace In the World sermon video audio notes

Peace Depends on You sermon video audio notes. We all create situations causing us worry, stress, and the absence of peace in our lives and for others. Conflict goes back to the early days of our lives. Put two toddlers together. It would not take long before conflict began between them. Movies becoming box office …

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