We Come from a Long Line of Love Luke 3:23-38

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

We Come from a Long Line of Love Luke 3:23-38 Genealogy audio video notes. Genealogies are and this genealogy is a part of the Bible we usually skip or scan over wondering why in the world they are even in there. They don’t seem important to us because our culture is not in tune with …

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Baptism a Picture of the Trinity Luke 3:3-22

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Baptism a Picture of the Trinity Luke 3:3-22 audio video notes. All three members of the Trinity attended the baptism event of Jesus. Here in Luke 3:21-22, we see the trinity as the Son in the water baptized and praying, the Holy Spirit descended in form like a dove, and the Father speaking from the …

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Repent you Generation of Snakes Luke 3:1-6

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Repent you Generation of Snakes Luke 3:1-6 video audio notes. John was tough on the “religious” ideology of people. Calling those people a generation of vipers (KJV) was a serious slap in the face. It’s a direct link to Genesis and the serpent deceiving Eve meaning they were descendants of the serpent, not God – …

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