Great Tribulation sermon video audio notes

Prayer sermon video audio

Great Tribulation sermon video audio notes. The Lord Jesus said, then shall be great tribulation. What did Jesus mean by “then”? The modern doctrine says the great tribulation is a future event. Is it? The reason we ask this seemingly silly question is because of the context of Matthew 24:21. Jesus is not talking about …

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Time of the Kingdom sermon

Prayer sermon video audio

Time of the Kingdom sermon video audio notes. The Lord Jesus Christ went throughout his region preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. According to him, the time was fulfilled and the kingdom of God was at hand. According to the most popular doctrine today, we still await a time Jesus said was fulfilled. …

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Kingdom Parables Series: Uncovering Hidden Secrets

Parables of the kingdom

Kingdom Parables Series: Uncovering Hidden Secrets sermon series video audio notes. Though Jesus taught and talked more about the kingdom of God than about any other topic, Christians seem to know very little about it. What they do know they push off to a future day after a rapture and tribulation. Is this what Jesus …

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The Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl: Unraveling Kingdom Secrets

Parables of the kingdom

The Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl: Unraveling Kingdom Secrets sermon video audio notes. Both parables teach us the incomparable value of the kingdom. The treasure in the field is Christ, the Son of man, but he’s hidden in his kingdom, the field, and the oyster shell. The pearl of great value is Christ, the Son …

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Soil Seed and the Kingdom: The Parable of Spiritual Growth

Parables of the kingdom

Soil Seed and the Kingdom: The Parable of Spiritual Growth sermon video audio notes. Jesus said there are four soils or hearts into which the seed – the message of the kingdom – fell. Soil is soil, is soil is soil – dirt is dirt, is… a heart is… The issue is not the soil. …

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Why Jesus Spoke in Parables: Revealing Truth Through Stories

Parables of the kingdom

Why Jesus Spoke in Parables: Revealing Truth Through Stories sermon video audio notes. As we look into Matthew chapter 13, we need to realize we are looking at a monumental section of all the Holy Scriptures. It’s here Jesus speaks specifically about his kingdom through parables. It’s here Jesus speaks about the age in which …

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Joshua The Book Possessing the Kingdom

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Joshua The Book Possessing the Kingdom sermon series video audio notes. Arise in Violence and make a decision to enter your Promised Land. You will need to Find Life’s Rahabs. They have the information you must have. Get Your Feet Wet in the Spirit and in the Word of God. It will become a memorial …

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Give Me My Mountain: How to Seize Your Divine Inheritance

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Give Me My Mountain sermon video audio notes. Caleb boldly walked up to Joshua and said, Give Me My Mountain. If you could walk up to Jesus right this moment and say, ‘Give Me My __________’ what would it be? Do you know what your Mountain is? Our lives exist to accomplish something. You were …

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Redeeming the Gibeonites in Me sermon

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Redeeming the Gibeonites in Me sermon video audio notes. I relate to the Gibeonites in I do not want to live a destroyed and devoured life like others around me. We come to the Lord and when we come we bring all our deceitful ways with us. None of us came to the Lord all …

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Hamstring the Horses sermon

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Hamstring the Horses sermon video audio notes. In this battle, Joshua was told to focus on the horses and chariots before he focused on the actual warriors. The children of God were to go for the horses first. As a horse-drawn chariot passed, the children of God were to Hamstring The Horses. The tendon and …

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