Ai the 3 Way Ambush sermon

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Ai the 3 Way Ambush sermon video audio notes. It’s interesting the battle was not to be fought at Ai or in the city itself. It was to be fought in a different location. The principle is we cannot expect to have victory over our bondages, addictions, weaknesses, etc. when they (the enemies) determine the …

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Finding the Achan in Me sermon audio notes

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Finding the Achan in Me sermon audio notes. What is the principle the Lord would want us to grasp from Achan’s actions? Answer: there are some things we cannot touch, take, participate in, or be around. There are some things we must separate from our stuff and see as the Lord’s stuff. If we will …

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Possessing Your Jericho sermon

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Possessing Your Jericho sermon video audio notes. The fall of Jericho is a lesson in the obedience necessary to take the Jericho’s of our lives, but it’s more than that. It’s a lesson in the prophetic. The Hebrew word translated Jericho is Yeriychow meaning fragrant. How many of us would like to capture the fragrance …

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Hill of the Foreskins sermon

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Hill of the Foreskins sermon video audio notes. God told Joshua and the people to prepare for battle, but not by running war games and sharpening their swords and arrows. Instead, they were to sharpen knives for the surgery of CIRCUMCISION of foreskins. Before God can do a work out there through us, he must …

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Get Your Feet Wet video audio notes

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Get Your Feet Wet video audio notes. My title today is Get Your Feet Wet. I take it from Joshua 3:8. My point is simple. To begin supernatural things happening in your life and living the victorious life you desire, you must Get Your Feet Wet. You must stand in the water – the Word …

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Finding Rahabs In Life

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Finding Rahabs In Life sermon video audio notes1. I want to talk to you about finding helpful people in life. I realize if you know who Rahab was then you may question my title. Rahab was a prostitute. Nonetheless, if we are going to POSSESS THE KINGDOM then we must be about Finding Rahabs In …

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Arise In Violence sermon video audio notes

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Arise In Violence sermon video audio notes. Often times we have a misconception of the kingdom of God. We think the kingdom is a place where there are no battles and everything is perfect and exactly the way we want it. This just isn’t true. We must arise in violence in the kingdom. We are …

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Jonah The Book sermon series

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Jonah The Book sermon series videos audio notes. Jonah is an interesting and unique Scripture character. He was anointed, but he didn’t want to do what he was anointed to do. Because of this, Jonah, like us, found himself in a bad place with people and with God. Let’s take a look at Jonah. Jonah …

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Angry Jonah Does Not Matter

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes. Jonah was consumed with glowing, blazing, red-hot anger, hate, self-righteousness, and racism, but Angry Jonah Doesn’t Matter. He wanted these people destroyed. Another question is does it matter to God Jonah became angry? No, in this it will not change how the Lord will love and …

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Jonah Will Obey: How to Overcome Reluctance in Serving God

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Jonah Will Obey: How to Overcome Reluctance in Serving God sermon video audio notes. Explore God’s persistence and mercy. Understand the urgency of God’s call and the consequences of disobedience in this insightful message. Your message to your Nineveh is not complex but simple, direct, and confrontational. Your clock, their clock, is ticking. Where are …

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