We’ve Lost The Messiah Luke 2:39-52: How to Raise Children

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

We’ve Lost The Messiah Luke 2:39-52: How to Raise Children video audio.  Mary and Joseph lost their twelve-year-old child. Jesus went to the temple to discuss the scriptures. Where would your child go if you accidentally left them in a similar situation? Would it be church? We’ve lost the Messiah: Jesus’ growth in wisdom and …

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The Gospel of Luke Chapter 8

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 8 audio video notes. From this chapter came seven messages: After This the Kingdom of God, Are You Listening to the Word of God,  This Little Light of Mine, Jesus Sleeping on the Job, Demons Begged Him Repeatedly, Who Touched Me, and Hopeless Jairus. I love preaching the kingdom of God, so …

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Greater than John Luke 7:21-28: How to Overcome Doubt

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Greater than John Luke 7:21-28: How to Overcome Doubt audio video notes. How many people were born of women? Daaaa… Everyone, innumerable people, but no mother had ever birthed a child greater than John, according to the Scriptures. In greatness, I would think of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Daniel, on and on. I’m …

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Are You God Messiah or Not Luke 7:18-20

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Are You God Messiah or Not Luke 7:18-20 audio video notes. Are you the coming one or not? This is too serious. I’ve got to know not only for me but for all. Are you him? John the Baptist was doubting big time. Here’s our lesson for today. Have you ever doubted? Sure. Question: Is …

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Power of Compassion Luke 7:11-17

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Power of Compassion Raising Widow’s Son Luke 7:11-17 audio video notes. Let’s say it another way. Compassion moves Jesus. There is a power in compassion like nothing else. His gut aches when you or I have a difficult, emotionally wrecking time. When people are miserable, our God is miserable. The God of the universe hurts …

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Man Who Amazed Jesus Luke 7:1-10

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Man Who Amazed Jesus Luke 7:1-10 audio video notes. This is the only person the scriptures say amazed Jesus in a positive way. People amazed Jesus in a negative way with their unbelief or lack of faith. We know Jesus constantly amazed people with his teaching and, of course, with miracles. Jesus is God and …

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The Gospel of Luke Chapter 7

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 7 video audio sermon notes. We ministered six messages from this chapter of Luke. Man Who Amazed Jesus video audio notes (Luke 7:1-10), Power of Compassion Raising Widow’s Son video audio notes (Luke 7:11-17), Are You God Messiah or Not video audio Luke 7:18-20, Greater than John video audio (Luke …

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Trees Fruit Hearts Foundation Luke 6:43-49: How to Check Your Heart

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Trees Fruit Hearts Foundation Luke 6:43-49: How to Check Your Heart video audio notes. The parable is obvious in meaning. Both houses looked fine with simple observation, but one is deceptive. There’s no foundation. When, not if, both houses go through the torrent – a flood or catastrophic experience – it becomes obvious which house …

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Judge Not Luke 6:37-42 Judge audio video notes

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Judge Not Luke 6:37-42 Judge audio video notes. Judge not that you be not judged may well be the best-known verse in the entire Bible even above John 3:16. Even people far from God know, Judge not that you be not judged. The truth is we must make judgments every day concerning people. You can’t …

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You want Me to Love Who pt 2 Luke 6:27-36

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

You Want Me to Love Who Pt 2 Luke 6:27-36 audio video notes. Jesus developed love (agape) and infects his disciples with this kind of love. The difference between all other types of love and agape love is it’s not based on emotions, warm feelings, or even wanting to do it. We make the decision to …

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