Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 2 sermon video Luke 11:1-4

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 2 sermon video Luke 11:1-4. I can recite The Lord’s Prayer in 15 seconds, but sometimes I get lost in prayer talking to Father God. I think that’s what the disciple witnessed when he watched Jesus pray. He wanted to experience and wanted others to experience what Jesus experienced, …

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The Unique Path of Motherhood: Unraveling the Making Of A Mother

Rahab an Honored Mother Mothers Day

Making Of A Mother Audio Sermon. Before she’s a mother she’s a woman. At the creation of humanity male and female were one being. This being was lonely because there was no compatible helper. The Lord separated a part from the being called Adam creating a different part called “woman” who first and primarily was …

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Freedoms Indeed: Exploring the Foundation of the United States

Freedoms Indeed

Freedoms Indeed 4th of July Independence Day audio video notes. The founding of the greatest nation ever in existence is established upon three fundamental pursuits – LIFE, LIBERTY, and HAPPINESS. Without the acknowledged right to publicly pursue these three fundamental elements, the United States of America is no different from any other nation. With them, …

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Coming of Jesus Son of Man 2 Luke 21:20-36

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Coming of Jesus Son of Man 2 Luke 21:20-36 audio video notes. The disciples were obviously concerned about the statements Jesus made concerning the desolation of the temple (Mat 23:38) and commented about its magnificence to which Jesus basically replied, “It’s coming down! And it’s coming down in your lifetime.” Astonished the disciples asked two …

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Marriage sermon series audio video notes

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes

Marriage sermon series audio video notes. Apostle Peter gave several keys on how to make a marriage work. He spoke to wives and husbands even when one of the spouses was a non-believer. It’s amazing insight for today. Marriage Marriage sermon series video audio notes Wives Key Responsibility In Marriage – sermon video audio notes …

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Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes. There are amazing results when husbands are considerate of their wives, respect their wives, and see their wives as their partners in life. What are the results? Nothing will hinder your prayers. Husband, are your prayers being answered? If not, how are you treating your wife? MARRIAGE …

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Wives Key Responsibility In Marriage

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes

Wives Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes. Marriages work only when wives and husbands fulfill their key responsibilities. What is a wife’s key responsibility in a marriage? The use of rings in marriage dates back to some 4,000 years ago. The circle is the symbol of eternity as it has no beginning and no …

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WHAT IF? Reflecting on the Importance of Veterans

WHAT IF? Veteran's Day

WHAT IF? Veteran’s Day sermon notes. What if America had no veterans? What if we didn’t have people who would serve our nation to the extent of giving their lives if necessary? Think about what would life be like today in America. What would life be like today in the world? I also want to …

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To Die For: Reflecting on the Ideal of Independence Day

To Die For 4th of July Independence Day sermon notes

To Die For 4th of July Independence Day sermon notes. They gave allegiance to each other for the ideal of this nation. They were willing to die for the ideal and many did and have died since. My title today is To Die For. Independence Day By Pastor Delbert Young To Die For: Reflecting on …

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Never Forget: Commemorating Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors

wounded and personal pearl harbors

Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors Veterans Day audio notes. Recognition and admiration of our Veterans. Thank you for serving and giving so we in America can experience a life unknown to the remaining world. Never Forget: Commemorating Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors By Delbert Young Audio . Never Forget: Commemorating Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors Scriptures: Revelation 12:7, …

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