Estimate the Cost Luke 14:25-35

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Estimate the Cost Luke 14:25-35 audio video notes. I say, Thanks for coming when you can. Serve and do what you will. Give what you can. Jesus said give your life. Jesus said to count the cost before following him. Large crowds are a sign of success to me. To Jesus, they were a cause …

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All Alike Make Excuses Luke 14:15-24

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

All Alike Make Excuses Luke 14:15-24 audio video notes. Have you ever made excuses concerning the things of God? I have. Did we ever think our excuses had a connection with our resurrection, eternity – heaven? A parable means to lay alongside. Jesus laid out a story. Our job is to find where we lay …

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They Remained Silent Luke 14:1-14

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

They Remained Silent Luke 14:1-14 audio video notes. Jesus asked, Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not? I love the or not part. Sabbath stuff was a huge issue with these people, yet they remained silent. Why? This man was their friend. This placed an entirely new light on healing on the …

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