Fear Trials Bullies Luke 22:63-22-71

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Fear Trials Bullies Luke 22:63-22-71 video audio notes. What trials, bullies, and fears, bully us? It’s amazing how much life we allow fear to rob from us. You will always be faced with the bully called fear, but you can control it and keep going forward. What fear has arrested you, bound you, slapped you, …

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Rooster Crowed Luke 22:49-32

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Rooster Crowed Luke 22:49-32 audio video notes. In their culture chickens were everywhere. It was close to sunup – daylight, wake-up time! Has the rooster crowed in your heart and said, “Wake up!” It’s crowed to me. Has the Lord ever looked straight into your eyes/soul and crowed? It was a defining moment for Peter …

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Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48 audio video notes. When you think of Gethsemane, what comes to mind? Perhaps it was the place Jesus prayed, sleeping disciples, temptation, and stress with sweat like great drops of blood. But do you ever associate it with the Judas kiss? You have a Gethsemane. We all do. …

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Siftings of Satan Simon Simon Luke 22:31-38

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Siftings of Satan Simon Simon Luke 22:31-38 audio video notes. Must Satan ask before he can sift? Yes, and he’s limited to what he can sift. In Simon Peter’s situation, the siftings of Satan were limited to sifting Simon’s faith. Satan’s on a leash and allowed only to touch in specific areas. The devil is …

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As It Has Been Decreed Luke 22:21-30

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

As It Has Been Decreed Luke 22:21-30 audio video notes. Jesus did go as decreed, but his going was not because of Judas’ betrayal, or Annas, or Caiaphas, the Jews, Pilate, Herod, or the Roman death squad. Peter, preaching on the Day of Pentecost only weeks after the crucifixion said, Acts 2:23 This man was …

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This Passover Luke 22:14-20

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

This Passover Luke 22:14-20 audio video notes. The Jewish people had celebrated around 1,500 years of Passovers sacrificing millions/billions of lambs while awaiting the one true Lamb of God. Jesus had the Passover meal every year of his life, but this Passover was with a double desire. Twice Jesus used the word desire – craving, …

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Satan Entered Judas Called Iscariot Luke 21:37 – 22:1-13

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Satan Entered Judas Called Iscariot Luke 21:37 – 22:1-13 audio video notes. The target date for arresting and crucifying Jesus was Passover and now the religious system had Judas to make it happen. ‘Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot.’ How ominous this sounds, but why did Satan enter Judas ‘then’? Do you think Judas knew …

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