Receiving the Mark 666 – How to Receive a Better Mark

Receiving the Mark

Receiving the Mark 666 – How to Receive a Better Mark audio video notes. We hear a lot about receiving the mark of the beast. We hear about the “666” mark all the time, but seldom do we hear about receiving the mark of the Lord. Yet the passage in Numbers 6:23-27 says this mark, …

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Prayer of Jabez – How to Pray a Blessed Life

Prayer of Jabez audio video notes. There seems to be some sort of religious thing telling us praying for God's blessings upon us individually is an

Prayer of Jabez – How to Pray a Blessed Life audio video notes. There seems to be some sort of religious thing telling us praying for God’s blessings upon us individually is an immature prayer. Really? Jabez said, Oh, that thou wouldest bless me indeed! Jabez was saying, I want you to bless me, and …

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Placed in Time: The Value and Importance of Time

Placed in Time

Placed in Time audio video notes. How important is time? Time is the most valuable thing you have. Time is the stuff from which life is made. We cannot create time, only use it, lose it, or waste it. When you are out of it… You did not get to choose when you were born …

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Unlock Your Potential with One Thing in Mind

One Thing audio video notes. The rich young ruler wanted to achieve something special. Jesus said there was One Thing stopping him from achieving

One Thing audio video notes. The rich young ruler wanted to achieve something special. Jesus said there was One Thing stopping him from achieving it. The man needed to sell out to everything and simplify by focusing on ONE THING. If he would, he could achieve his life’s goal. The Bible says he did not …

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No Satisfaction and Solomon’s 40 Year Journey

No Satisfaction

No Satisfaction Journey of Solomon audio video notes. We not only sang a rock song by the Rolling Stones, we also sang the theme song to the lives of many people. We also sang the soundtrack to the Book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes is the private journal of King Solomon. Solomon went on a 40-year journey …

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September 11 And Grandparents Day: How to Honor Faith and Heritage

September 11 And Grandparents Day

September 11 And Grandparents Day: How to Honor Faith and Heritage audio notes. Today is National Grandparent’s Day. We want to honor all our grandparents. Next Wednesday will be September 11. One year ago Wednesday, 3003 people lost their lives as terrorists attacked America. We want to remember them today in this service. So, today …

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Finding Hope in God’s Plan Pruning and Rainbow

Plan Pruning Rainbow sermon notes

Finding Hope in God’s Plan Pruning and Rainbow sermon notes. God has a plan for you. There will be times of pruning, but there is fruit and a rainbow. The Lord has a great plan for you. It’s a plan for your good and not for your evil. It’s a plan that will give you …

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