Stopping the Plague audio video notes

Offering in One Accord audio

Stopping the Plague audio video notes. Offering And Sacrifice even stopped a plague allowed by the Lord. A part of the power of Offering And Sacrifice is to Stop bad things from plaguing your life. We have national leaders, like David, who make bad/horrible decisions. This is why we should always pray and know as …

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How Can I Know sermon notes

Offering in One Accord audio

How Can I Know sermon notes. How Can You Know God will do what he said he would do? But Abram said, ‘O Sovereign Lord, How Can I Know that I will gain possession of it?’ So, How Can You Know? How did Abram know? How did Abram stop doubting and know? Let’s see. Offering …

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Playing With Strange Fire

Offering in One Accord audio

Playing With Strange Fire sermon audio video notes. Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron’s sons and Moses’ nephews grab their censers and begin spreading the incense. As they gave their offering, a strange fire came from the Lord, but this fire “devoured” Nadab and Abihu. I want us to see today the Lord is very …

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Cain Gave A Disrespectful Offering To The Lord

Offering in One Accord audio

Cain Gave A Disrespectful Offering To The Lord sermon audio video notes. The difference between Cain’s offering and Abel’s offering was faith. It was not what Cain offered to God. It was the way Cain offered to God. Abel had faith in what he offered and sacrificed. He believed in his offering. Able had faith …

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