Unveiling the Truth: Two Manners of People

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Two Manners of People audio video notes The scriptures teach there are different types, or Two Manners, of People. In the womb of Rebekah, there were two manners of people. One would be stronger than the other. One would serve the other. In the church, the mother of us all (Gal 4:26), exists two manners …

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Exploring Creativity: A Deeper Look at ‘Creative Thinking’ Sermon

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Creative Thinking audio video notes. Do we copy or create? An extraordinary church will be creative. Creative thinking is not taking someone’s idea and copying it or making it better. God did not take some different god’s idea and improve on it or make it applicable to what he wanted to accomplish. This is not …

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Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon notes

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon notes. Ordinary people live ordinary lives and die ordinary deaths never changing or affecting anything or anyone. Extraordinary people live extraordinary lives and affect and change something. I have never been ordinary. My name is not ordinary. Nothing about me is ordinary. Our church is not ordinary. How about you? Ordinary …

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