Unlocking the Secrets of Friend At Midnight: Audio & Video

Friend At Midnight

Friend At Midnight audio video notes. This parable is about prayer. However, it is not a lesson on prayer for just anyone. It is for the disciple of Christ. Jesus is taking what they/we already knew/know about prayer and raising it to a new dimension. PARABLES OF JESUS By Pastor Delbert Young Friend At Midnight …

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Laborers in the Vineyard audio video notes

Friend At Midnight

Laborers in the Vineyard audio video notes. This parable is a difficult parable to interpret. This is partly because of today’s present dispensational theology and also partly because of the chapter break which disrupts the flow of thought. In this parable Jesus said, So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many …

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Understanding the Significance of the Ten Virgins part 2 Parable

Friend At Midnight

Ten Virgins part 2 audio video notes. Our lights are our good works. Relating this to the ten virgins, five gave light from their good works. The five foolish virgins began giving light, but allowed their oil to run out. Their good works stopped. The Lord expects good works. It’s our good works giving light. …

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Understanding the Significance of the Ten Virgins part 1 Parable

Friend At Midnight

Ten Virgins part 1 notes. This is a parable needing interpretation using the customs of the times and by using context. It simply will not make any sense to attempt to interpret it with today’s customs or today’s dispensational theology. For example, why would the Lord marry ten virgins? Why would he ask ten virgins …

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Forgiveness Matters: The Tale of the Unmerciful Servant

Friend At Midnight

Unmerciful Servant notes. The servant was delivered to the tormentors till he should pay. How could he pay all he owed? The only way was to forgive the debt of his fellowservant. The only release for the unmerciful servant was to forgive the debt. Then Jesus said, So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also …

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The Forming of a Fool: Lessons from Luke 12

Friend At Midnight

Forming of a Fool notes. Fools are not born. Fools are fashioned and formed. It may surprise you the King James’ version uses the word fool sixty-six times. God has much to say about the fool. The definition of a fool is a person who acts rashly by making decisions without reflection or thought. However, …

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The Prodigal Son’s Decision: Choosing to Become Lost

Friend At Midnight

The Prodigal Son’s Decision: Choosing to Become Lost audio video notes. Though we know these parables speak of sinners (Luk 15:1-2), they also speak of people who were found but became lost. The Prodigal decided he would become lost. He consciously made the decision. There was nothing anyone could say or do to stop the …

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The Religious Person and the Sinner: A Biblical Insight

Friend At Midnight

Religious Person and the Sinner notes. The Lord said a religious person who thinks they are holier than thou gag me. They stink and make me cough. I want to get away from them. This parable is about a person with a religious attitude. We all know such people. My prayer is we are not …

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The Good Shepherd: Jesus’ Ultimate Sacrifice for His Flock

Friend At Midnight

The Good Shepherd audio video notes. Jesus Christ is the good shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep so you and I could have life more abundantly. Five times Jesus speaks of laying down his life. He does not say he might lay it down or it is a possibility he may need …

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The Door to the Sheepfold: Finding Safety and Security in Faith

Friend At Midnight

Door to the Sheepfold notes. In some situations, the sheepfold was a large area used by more than one shepherd. A porter (guard) was placed at the door (gate). When the shepherd came, the porter would open the door. The shepherd would walk in and call his own sheep by name. The sheep would respond …

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