Overcoming Negative Words – How to do it

Overcoming Negative Words

Overcoming Negative Words audio video notes. What about negative words spoken to us? Do the negative words of others come to pass? What happens when someone says, “You are never going to be successful”? “You don’t have what it takes.” “You are not qualified.” They say, “You are not capable of doing this.” Do the …

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Speaking Life – The Importance of Speak No Evil

Overcoming Negative Words

Speak No Evil sermon notes. If we really want to enjoy life, we must keep our tongue from speaking evil about anyone. We will eat the consequences. We think we are only hurting the person we are talking about, but in reality, we are poisoning our very own lives and futures. POWER OF WORDS By …

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Claiming Victory – Speak to Your Mountains Audio Notes

Overcoming Negative Words

Speak to Your Mountains sermon notes. Some of you have prayed and prayed about a situation – a mountain. You should pray, but there comes a time when you must speak to it. I know you pray about your circumstances, but do you speak to them? Praying is great, but don’t stop there. Go one …

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The Impact of Words – Bringing an Irrevocable Blessing upon People

Overcoming Negative Words

Irrevocable Blessing audio and notes. There is power in our words. There is a supernatural power released for your children when you declare and pronounce an irrevocable blessing upon them. It cannot be changed. Use your words to speak blessings over people. Declare great things for the future of your children and grandchildren. POWER OF …

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Overcoming Murmuring and Complaining: Embracing a Positive Perspective

Overcoming Negative Words

Murmuring and Complaining audio and notes. We think about profanity being vile filthy talk and surely, it is, but did you know murmuring and complaining is even worse talk? Murmuring and complaining will stop you from experiencing the life God has planned for you. We all know it is wrong to murmur and complain, but …

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Unleashing Potential – How to Create Your World with Words

Overcoming Negative Words

Create Your World audio and notes. Your words create your world in which you live. We learn this principle from God who created his world with his words. God created the world he wanted using his words. He kept speaking to his world until he made his world excellent in every way. This same principle …

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