Pride and a Catastrophic Fall

Pride and a Leprous Moment

Pride and a Catastrophic Fall audio video notes. Uzziah thought his power and ability caused his great success. He felt he didn’t need to live by God’s rules. Uzziah had pride and, or pride and (plus). He felt he was irreplaceable. He was Uzziah – a priest bringing in the presence.  From this destruction came. …

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Pride and the Downfall of the Haughty Heart

Pride and a Leprous Moment

Pride and the Downfall of the Haughty Heart audio video notes. Jesus taught against pride by teaching radical humility. Pride brings disgrace. Humility brings wisdom. We don’t think about humility bringing wisdom. It is. A wise person is a person of humility. A fool is prideful. PRIDE By Pastor Delbert Young Pride and the Downfall …

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The Humility Challenge – How to Overcome the Grip of Pride

Pride and a Leprous Moment

The Humility Challenge – How to Overcome the Grip of Pride audio video notes. Pride causes us to look down upon others who have not experienced the success, clothes, car, house, education, family, or ability we have. God will meet with you and acquire your attention if we do not deal with pride. PRIDE By …

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