Storm Rock Sand – How to Build a Great Life

Storm Rock and Sand

Storm Rock Sand – How to Build a Great Life audio video notes. The Lord does not want us to be shallow Believers. He wants us to be deep. Being a deep Believer is not just coming to church or being able to quote the Bible. It’s not being able to speak in tongues or …

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Know Certainty of Entrance – How to Know the Lord

Storm Rock and Sand

Know Certainty of Entrance notes. We can know the certainty of entrance into the kingdom of heaven. We have been talking about it for months. The kingdom is not something that will come one day. It is here, and we are to seek to enter it now. Sermon On The Mount Sermon Series Know Certainty …

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Preachers True and False – How to Know the Difference

Storm Rock and Sand

Preachers True and False – How to Know the Difference audio video notes. This is a perfect illustration showing how believers today gobble down the miserable morsels placed before us every day, fed them by preachers, true and false. The sad part is it is not a joke. I have been offered and spiritually eaten …

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Which Gate Which Road – How to Find the Correct One

Storm Rock and Sand

Which Gate Which Road – How to Find the Correct One audio video notes. The Lord said we must choose our gate and road. Moses drew a line in the sand and said, who is on the Lord’s side? Moses set before the people blessings and cursing, life and death. Joshua said to choose this …

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Keep On Asking Seeking Knocking – How to Get Breakthroughs

Storm Rock and Sand

Keep On Asking Seeking Knocking – How to Get Breakthroughs notes. The Lord was telling us how to avoid becoming judgmental and how to discern judgmental people. It requires persistence. It requires our staying on top of it. If we drop our guard for a second, we will find ourselves judging again and talking again. …

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Dogs Pigs Specks Planks – How to Avoid Being Judged

Storm Rock and Sand

Dogs Pigs Specks Planks – How to Avoid Being Judged audio video notes. Have you ever noticed the context? The context is criticizing and judging people. Jesus connected a judgmental and a critical person with pigs and dogs. On the surface we may fail to see the relation of a judgmental person with dogs and …

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Seek First the Kingdom – How to Live in God’s Realm

Storm Rock and Sand

Seek First the Kingdom – How to Live in God’s Realm audio video notes. How can we seek his kingdom if it has not come yet? How can seeking the kingdom be the antidote and answer to worry and anxiety if it’s not obtainable yet? Would that not be silly of the Lord to tell …

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Mammon Or God – How to See the Supernatural

Storm Rock and Sand

Mammon Or God – How to See the Supernatural audio video notes. Jesus gave us the key to spiritual vision. The things that block our seeing into the supernatural are treasures on earth and money/mammon. Our ability to see into and experience the supernatural realm is directly connected to our treasures. We cannot see in …

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Treasures Kingdom: How to Balance Wealth and Faith

Storm Rock and Sand

Treasures Kingdom: How to Balance Wealth and Faith audio video notes. The problem is when anything becomes our everything – treasure. It’s when treasures on earth take the place of God in our lives a problem is developed. We forget we can’t take earthly treasures with us. It’s not God doesn’t want us to have …

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Fasting in the Kingdom – Renewing Your Mind and Body

Storm Rock and Sand

Fasting in the Kingdom – Renewing Your Mind and Body audio video notes. Fasting in the kingdom. Jesus comes to a place where he tells us how to raise our spiritual talents to a new level. Have you ever wanted to raise your level of spirituality? Have you ever wanted to be a better, more …

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