Training Our Children By Discipline Audio

Abraham and Isaac

Training Our Children By Discipline to do right. If we wait until the child does wrong to discipline we’ve missed the point. We should train all the child’s life to do right. Teach the child the boundaries. Train the child to be dedicated to doing right. Get the child dedicated to the things of God …

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Time of Visitation – How to Experience Divine Interventions

Time of Visitation

Time of Visitation – How to Experience Divine Interventions audio and notes. What do you need from the Lord? Please don’t sit back. Cry out the more! Bartimaeus and others did not. They took action and did not miss their time of visitation. Don’t miss your time of visitation.  Time of Visitation – How to …

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Think Different – How to Align Your Thinking with Truth

Think different

Think Different – How to Align Your Thinking with Truth sermon audio video notes. Jesus expects his disciples to think different. Jesus was saying, Okay. They think their way. Who do you say I am? If I’m going to use you to change things, I need you to think different. Do you think like the …

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Successful vs Fulfillment – How to Find True Purpose in Life

Successful vs Fulfillment

Successful vs Fulfillment – How to Find True Purpose in Life audio video notes. There is a huge difference. As I look at the scriptures, I see many successful people, but only a few experiencing fulfillment. As I look at life and people, I see successful people but not many fulfilled people. Furthermore, I look …

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Uncover Your Passion – How to Overcome Complacency and Apathy

Uncovering Your Passion

Uncover Your Passion – How to Overcome Complacency and Apathy audio video notes. Let’s define passion as the God-given desire of the heart to make a difference. The passion of Christ was his God-given heart’s desire. Some translations translate it as suffering. You will suffer for your passion. Suffering is one of the identifying aspects of …

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King Desires Your Beauty – How to Captivate the King’s Heart

King desires your beauty

King Desires Your Beauty – How to Captivate the King’s Heart audio video notes. The Lord is married to and greatly desires the beauty of his bride, the church. Worship is desire, and the Lord greatly desires our worship. Children cannot understand the physical and emotional intimacy between mom and dad. Neither can a child …

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