Irresistible Peace – How to Cultivate Unshakable Calm

Irresistible Peace sermon notes

Irresistible Peace sermon notes. Jesus is drawing every person. No one is immune to the draw of Jesus. Every person experiences the draw to the kingdom of God. There should be no contest on Sunday when we wake as to if we will go to church or not. It was this way with Jesus. Multitudes came to him. …

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Irresistible Truth – How to Expose Falsehoods with Irresistible Facts

Irresistible Peace sermon notes

Irresistible Truth – How to Expose Falsehoods with Irresistible Facts sermon notes. Jesus attracts people. No one is immune to the draw of Jesus. A primary reason is Jesus knew Truth is Irresistible. We believe the church should be simply irresistible. When people come, they should experience strategic environments that cause them to want to come …

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Irresistible Life – How to Live an Irresistibly Attractive Life

Irresistible Peace sermon notes

Irresistible Life – How to Live an Irresistibly Attractive Life sermon notes. I believe with all my heart that the kingdom of God and the church should be irresistible. The church should be a strategic group of irresistible environments—irresistible children’s ministries, youth ministries, adult ministries, praise/worship, teaching, etc. Jesus was irresistible. Every place he went, …

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Irresistible Best – How to Create an Awe-Inspiring Church Experience

Irresistible Peace sermon notes

Irresistible Best sermon audio notes. I want to talk about the kingdom of God and its irresistible nature. When Jesus was on the earth, he was irresistible. People came from all around to see and hear him. They marveled at Jesus. People loved him or hated him, but they could not ignore him. They could not marginalize …

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