Tough Questions – How to Respond with Truth and Love

Christian Why Be A Christian? sermon video audio notes

Tough Questions – How to Respond with Truth and Love series videos audio notes. People have tough questions about life. Apostle Peter said, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect.” Does God exist? …

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Why Be A Christian? How to Understand the Mystery

Christian Why Be A Christian? sermon video audio notes

Why Be A Christian? How to Understand the Mystery sermon video audio notes. Let’s begin by asking why you are a Christian if you are. Why be a Christian? The first thing we need to do when answering someone’s question about ‘Why Be A Christian?’ is to know why we are one. In my case, …

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Does God Exist? – How to Discover God Through Reason

Christian Why Be A Christian? sermon video audio notes

Does God Exist? – How to Discover God Through Reason video audio notes. Today I want to talk about Does God Exist? Have you ever pondered this? Not out loud, right? How would you answer someone who asked you How do you know God exists? Today, we hear a lot about the universe being God. …

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