Love That Passes Knowledge audio

Understanding Love

Love That Passes Knowledge audio. Apostle Paul prayed we would know a love that went beyond our comprehension. It’s something I have not yet understood or experienced. It’s the agape Jesus has, and this brings a manifested presence of the Spirit. Jesus allowed the omnipresence of Father God to become the manifested presence of God. …

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Amazing Power of Love – How to Cultivate Unconditional Love

Amazing Power of Love

Amazing Power of Love – How to Cultivate Unconditional Love audio video notes. The point is Abraham and Sarah gave the amazing power of love to the correct person and the power of love eventually brought them both to finding their dreams. Abraham and Sarah’s amazing love took them through the problems and glitches of marriage …

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Lust Looking and Loving – How to Experience True Fulfillment

Lust Looking and Loving

Lust Looking and Loving – How to Experience True FulfillmentLust Looking and Loving audio video notes. Let’s talk about the three dimensions of love. Bible students are thinking I am about to give us the three primary Greek words – agape, phileo, thelo. Nope, not today. I want to talk about a love we can …

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