Book Of Numbers 5:1-2 – How to Unleash Celestial Blessings

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers 5:1-2 – How to Unleash Celestial Blessings audio. Chapters 5 and 6 of the Book of Numbers are about remaining holy in the camp. Moses commanded the people the word of the Lord. Why are people today not blessed, unhappy, children in rebellion, and not happy or blessed? Why can people never …

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Book Of Numbers 3:33-4:49 – How to Become a Spiritual Pillar

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers 3:33-4:49 – How to Become a Spiritual Pillar audio. Sometimes, we feel like we’re being taken down, and sometimes, we feel like we’re being built back up. Both require being hammered, bumped, aligned, and leveled. This happens every time God moves in our lives. It’s a principle. Both chapters 3 and 4 …

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Book Of Numbers 3:23-26 – How to Fulfill Your Role

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers 3:23-26 – How to Fulfill Your Role audio. There are times when the body of Christ needs to move. What does a move of God toward the Promised Land require? One thing required is people willing to carry the wonders of the Lord. Spiritual things are veiled, and some wonders we can’t …

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Book Of Numbers 3:6-15 – How to Fulfill Divine Assignments

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers 3:6-15 – How to Fulfill Divine Assignments audio. Why did the Lord select the Levites to serve Him when He could have selected any tribe? It was because of a special blessing given to them by the Lord. The Levites carried the Tabernacle, i.e., the presence of God, and camped close to …

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Book Of Numbers 3:1-4 – How to Learn from Tragic Mistakes

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers 3:1-4 – How to Learn from Tragic Mistakes audio. Have you ever considered that there are no generations/lineages of Moses? As we study, it appears there were problems between Moses and his first wife. So much so that Moses not only remarried but married a woman of a different race and skin …

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Book Of Numbers Elders – How to Guide God’s People

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers Elders – How to Guide God’s People audio. The primary purpose of elders is to communicate to the people what the Lord is saying to their body of Christ. Elders seek the Lord until they find what the Lord is saying. Elders are ordained and commended to the Lord. They are an …

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Book Of Numbers Chapter 2:1-9 – How to Organize Your Life

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers Chapter 2:1-9 – How to Organize Your Life audio. The Lord was very specific about how He arranged His people. The Lord has us camped in churches where He wants us. Each tribe had a specific view of the Tabernacle. There was a massive amount of people likely in a ten mile …

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Numbers Chapter 1 – How to Overcome Wilderness Challenges

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Numbers Chapter 1 – How to Overcome Wilderness Challenges audio. The Lord is concerned that every group in a church receives ministry, which requires a diversity of leadership. The Lord tolerates nearly everything from His people, but when we refuse to do what He’s brought us out of bondage to accomplish, He leads us into …

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Approaching God – Tabernacle Numbers 1:1 – How to Be Holy

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Approaching God – Tabernacle Numbers 1:1 – How to Be Holy audio. If I asked you to tell me what salvation actually means and is could you tell me? It’s more than only going to heaven when we die. In typology, what is necessary for us to cross the Jordan River and cross into our …

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Book Of Numbers Elders Part 2 – How to Empower Others

Book Of Numbers 7:1-13 audio

Book Of Numbers Elders Part 2 – How to Empower Others audio. If an elder cannot minister and win their own family to the Lord, how will he or she minister to and win other families to the Lord? An office of a leader in a church does not become the title when given the …

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