House To House Parent audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

House To House Parent audio. There is no more needed study than this in society today. The prayer is we all become better husbands, wives, children, pastors, elders, deacons, and saints. As the family goes so goes the church. Home And Family – House To House Parent Audio Unless the LORD Builds the House Psalm …

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Parental Responsibilities 2 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Parental Responsibilities 2 audio. Children carry on the habits of their parents, so parents should have a demonstrated love for God in all areas of life if children are trained up in righteousness. Also, parents should look for every opportunity to talk to their children about God and His word. Does the way I handle …

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Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio Since the Dark Ages and Martin Luther the church has been taking back and restoring what was stolen by the devil. A part of this is wives want a spiritual husband.  A reason God put us together with our spouse is to bless us. It’s when men do not …

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Parental Responsibilities 1 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Parental Responsibilities 1 audio. Parents are a ministry that will minister to anyone more than they minister to their children. The primary way children learn is by watching their parents. God continues His eternal kingdom through parenthood. Home and family are issues today’s society must understand from a Scriptural/Biblical perspective. Without doing our homes and …

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Home And Family Finances audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Home And Family Finances audio. There are three areas making a Christ follower a bad witness – Family, Finances, and Fat. The way we handle our finances determines if we fall into the temptation of many hurtful and foolish lusts, or if we inherit eternal life. Around two-thirds of the teachings of Christ dealt somehow …

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Communication In A Marriage 2 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Communication In A Marriage 2 audio. Communication comes from the heart. When we have a good heart our connection will be good and pure. Where are our hearts taking us in a relationship with our spouse? Our hearts will make us one flesh or cause us to cover with fig leaves. Home and family are …

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Communication In A Marriage 1 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Communication In A Marriage 1 audio. Without doing our homes and families God’s way, they simply will not work. Most marriages today are not successful. Most families are disasters. A family’s finances are ready for bankruptcy. All this affects their sexual relationship. Spouses fight instead of submitting to and loving one another. Vows are broken. …

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Sex In The Marriage 2 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Sex In The Marriage 2 audio. A marriage is more than sex, but a marriage includes sex. Marriage removes the cheapness of sex. Any sex expression outside of marriage cheapens sex. Sex outside of marriage brings guilt, feelings of cheapness, and betrayal. Intercourse is the language of oneness. Home and family are issues today’s society …

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Sex In The Marriage 1 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Sex In The Marriage 1 audio. Sex is not a bad word. It’s a gift from God created by God. It should be pure and natural. This should be something beautiful used to seal a relationship between a man and a woman. It’s okay to have sexual thoughts, but cannot be the only thing we …

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Effective Submission audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Effective Submission audio. What is submission? What is submission not? A wife is to be submissive to her husband, but where is the real power? It’s in a submissive wife. Submission is yielding the option to lead in order to follow. The Lord is restoring the Home and building His Church at the same time. …

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