Saw Covet and Took Chapter 7 Part 2

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Saw Covet and Took Chapter 7 Part 2. This is the travel of all sin. We see it, and covet it. Then we take it. It can be anything from adultery to stealing. Achan saw it, coveted  it, and took it. Then the Lord had Achan, his family, and all his possessions stoned and burned. …

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Purpose Seen Through Adam and Eve audio

Abraham and Isaac

Purpose Seen Through Adam and Eve audio. We see in Adam the overcomer. We see in Eve the promised seed who will bruise/crush the head of the serpent. It is “he that overcometh,” not he that prays a sinner’s prayer, who will reign with Christ. It is a church who becomes pregnant with the incorruptible …

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Purpose Seen Through Noah audio

Abraham and Isaac

Purpose Seen Through Noah audio. Through Scriptures, we see light and darkness, i.e. Christ and antichrists (plural). Likewise, at the same time God will elevate the righteous/light out of destruction, He will take the wicked. We take a look at the great tribulation, Antichrist, rapture, and the righteous reigning on the earth. Purpose Seen Through …

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Feast Of Israel Part 7 Unleavened Bread – Why Daddy audio

Abraham and Isaac

Feast Of Israel Part 7 Unleavened Bread – Why Daddy audio. Our children should note we are not like the parents of their friends. We can tell them because we are getting the leaven out of our lives and houses. We take a look in this message at different types of leaven in the New …

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Feast Of Israel Part 8 Morrow After The Sabbath audio

Abraham and Isaac

Feast Of Israel Part 8 Morrow After The Sabbath audio. Jesus said He would be as Jonah – in the belly of the earth three days and would resurrect. How could this be according to our thinking? In this message we take a look at how exact Jesus was and how it worked. Feast Of …

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Prophecy Series audio

Abraham and Isaac

Prophecy Series audio. According to many prophecy is not for today. However, we have today the identical Holy Spirit present in the first century. He gives the identical gifts, so to where did prophecy go? If the grace gifts of Romans Chapter 12 are present today then the gifts of the Spirit including prophecy are …

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Psalms Study Psalms 24 Part 2 Audio

Abraham and Isaac

Psalms Study Psalms 24 Part 2 Audio talks about ascending into the higher dimensions. To accomplish this we must get our minds off earthly issues and worldly things. Outline: The Earth is the Lords (v 1-2), Who may ascend (v 3-6), The King of glory (v 7-10) Psalms Study Psalms Study Psalms 24 Part 2 …

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Ephesians Study Sermon Series Audio

Abraham and Isaac

Ephesians Study Sermon Series. This epistle, along with Colossians, emphasizes the truth that the Church is the body of which Christ is the Head. While Paul had mentioned the same truth earlier, in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12, he develops it more fully here. There is no higher point of revelation than is reached in …

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Manifold Wisdom Of God Audio

Abraham and Isaac

Manifold Wisdom Of God Ephesians Study Intro audio. Paul unveils the mystery in this book. There is principle after principle the apostle desires we know. To grasp the mystery then we need to change Manifold Wisdom Of God Audio Some Manifold Wisdom Of God Teaching Scriptures Ephesians 3:8 To me, the very least of all …

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Psalms Study Psalms 4 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 4 Audio. Outline “Call to God” (v 1), “Warning of deception” (v 2-5), “Peace in God” (v 6-8). Deception comes in five ways: 1) Not honoring people; 2) Loving worthless things; 3) Not understanding the mark of the Lord; 4) Not believing the Lord hears our prayers; and 5) Sin has no …

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