Manifold Wisdom Of God Audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Manifold Wisdom Of God Ephesians Study Intro audio. Paul unveils the mystery in this book. There is principle after principle the apostle desires we know. To grasp the mystery then we need to change Manifold Wisdom Of God Audio Some Manifold Wisdom Of God Teaching Scriptures Ephesians 3:8 To me, the very least of all …

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Ephesians Study 2 Grace Audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Ephesians Study 2 Grace audio. Do we understand the grace of God? Most people equate grace with mercy. Grace is not God’s mercy. We are not saved by mercy. We are saved by grace. So, we need to understand the grace of God and what the grace of God means. Ephesians Study 2 Grace Audio …

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Ephesians Study 3 Predestined Audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Ephesians Study 3 Predestined Audio. Emphatically, Apostle Paul said we are predestined. Surprisingly, the reason we are predestined is to the praise of the glory of His grace. That is to say, we didn’t choose Jesus. By all means, God, the Deity – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, choose us and predestined us. Ephesians …

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Ephesians Study 6 Prayer Of Paul audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Ephesians Study 6 Prayer Of Paul audio. We take a look at the prayer of Paul for the Ephesians. Paul thanked God for these people. Paul prayed they would have a spirit of wisdom, the eyes of their heart be opened, they would see the greatness of the Lord’s power, and they would understand how …

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Ephesians Study 5 Sealed In Him Audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Ephesians Study 5 Sealed In Him Audio. What do you think about “eternal security”? The Greek word used in Ephesians 1:13 translated “sealed” is used 42 times in the New Testament. The word means to stamp with a signet to keep secret.  There is a stamping or marking upon a Christ Follower. Ephesians Study 5 …

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Ephesians Study 4 Redemption Audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Ephesians Study 4 Redemption Audio. We have redemption, but what does redemption mean? It’s something we have through the blood of Jesus Christ. Sin carries with it a fantastic dept. The wages of sin is death. The blood of Christ works redemption – the release from slavery or bondage. Ephesians Study 4 Redemption Audio Some …

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