Purpose Seen Through Adam and Eve audio

Abraham and Isaac

Purpose Seen Through Adam and Eve audio. We see in Adam the overcomer. We see in Eve the promised seed who will bruise/crush the head of the serpent. It is “he that overcometh,” not he that prays a sinner’s prayer, who will reign with Christ. It is a church who becomes pregnant with the incorruptible …

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Purpose Seen Through Noah audio

Abraham and Isaac

Purpose Seen Through Noah audio. Through Scriptures, we see light and darkness, i.e. Christ and antichrists (plural). Likewise, at the same time God will elevate the righteous/light out of destruction, He will take the wicked. We take a look at the great tribulation, Antichrist, rapture, and the righteous reigning on the earth. Purpose Seen Through …

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God’s Purpose For His People Audio Series

Abraham and Isaac

God’s Purpose For His People – God has a divine purpose for each of us. We see this in His Scriptures, and find this in our lives. We take a look at several characters in the Scriptures to see how the Lord has a plan and a purpose for every life. It’s written into our …

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Moses And Habitation For God audio

Abraham and Isaac

Moses And Habitation For God. Moses’ purpose was to build a sanctuary where the LORD could dwell with His people. These people will bring forth the kingdom of God. God’s Purpose For His People Part 3 Moses Audio 1 Corinthians 3:9-17 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are …

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