Importance Of Earth audio

Abraham and Isaac

Importance Of Earth audio. When we consider the vastness of space, the trillions of planets, and the numerous galaxies compared to the earth, the earth is but a speck of dust. However, it is on the earth, the speck of dust, Father created mankind in His likeness and image. It is on earth Father sent …

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Personal Prophecy Is Progressive 2 audio

Abraham and Isaac

Personal Prophecy Is Progressive 2 audio. Gifts of the Spirit are not on loan from God. They are within us. There are personal prophecies and unconditional prophecies. One continues line upon line. One is established and never changes. Is prophecy for today? If not why not? If prophecy is a spiritual gift of the Holy …

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Personal Prophecy Is Progressive audio

Abraham and Isaac

Personal Prophecy Is Progressive audio. Prophecy continues and proves the Lord knows you. Sometimes we doubt if the Lord is real and if He knows us. He does. The Lord will say something only you know in an edifying way. We are to meditate on a word from the Lord. Is prophecy for today? If …

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God Is Out To Kill You audio

Abraham and Isaac

God Is Out To Kill You audio. The Lord desires the old man to pass away and a new person to come. If the Lord says, “I’ll give you great love,” what does He mean? What if He said “I’ll give you great patience,” what does that mean? Are prophecies for today. If not why …

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Personal Prophecy Is For Today audio

Abraham and Isaac

Personal Prophecy Is For Today audio. Remember the day you came to the Lord? How about the day you were water baptized? I want you to have the same remembrance of your first personal prophecy. Prophecy Series Audio Part 2 – Is prophecy for today? If not why not? If prophecy is a spiritual gift …

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