Which Side Of The Window audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Which Side Of The Window audio. As David brought in the presence of God, Michal his wife found herself on the wrong side of the window watching in a critical way at those desiring and experiencing the presence of God. Many today are on the wrong side of the window.  Tabernacle of David Part 8 …

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Make Music For God audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Make Music For God audio. God loves music. And, creative music plays an important role in our experiencing the presence of God. What can we learn about this from David? How can we implement this truth into our lives and churches? Tabernacle Of David 6 – Make Music For God Audio Some Tabernacle Of David …

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Ark Set In His Place audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Ark Set In His Place audio. The Ark is a person (2Sa 6:17 KJV). The fulness of God became a person through Christ Jesus. He must sit in a proper place in our lives if we expect to experience the presence of God in our lives or in our churches. Tabernacle Of David 5 – …

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Bring In The Presence audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Bring In The Presence audio. What does it take to experience the habitation of God in our lives and in our churches? We can’t expect to simply preach a message and expect God to show up much less expect Him to show up with His blessings. Let’s see what is necessary.  Tabernacle Of David 4 …

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Prepare A Place audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Prepare A Place audio. First a place must be prepared for the presence of God to abide. We can’t expect His presence to simply come without desiring Him and making ready our hearts and our church. We take a look at the spiritual truths we learn from the Scriptures and why we do this. Tabernacle …

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Journeys Of The Ark audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Journeys Of The Ark audio. The Ark’s travels reveal to us the journeys individuals and a church must traverse over through and around to bring in the presence of God as the Lord builds again the Tabernacle of David. Tabernacle Of David 2 – Journeys Of The Ark Audio Some Tabernacle Of David 2 – …

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Tabernacle Of David Introduction audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Tabernacle Of David Introduction audio. God is building again the Tabernacle David (Acts 15:16). The sad part of this is few Christians know anything about this. What was and is this tent? And, what can we learn today to truly experience the presence of God? Tabernacle Of David Introduction Audio Acts 15:13-17 13 And after …

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Tabernacle Of David audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Tabernacle Of David audio is a look at the spiritual truths in the tabernacle David built when he brought the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord of the whole earth back to Jerusalem. These truths will help us bring the presence of God into our lives and into our churches. The ark remained in …

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