Third Anointing Heart Of David Study audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

Third Anointing Heart Of David Study audio. The first purpose in David’s heart is to put God where God needs to be for the people. He is seen as King by His people. In our third anointing we come to a place, the church comes to a place, where we see the Lord as King. …

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Moving To The Anointing Heart Of David audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

Moving To The Anointing Heart Of David audio. The epoch of his life changes. This will be his third anointing and will become the king of all of Israel. The epochs of our lives and the church change. The Lord is not finished with His church. Heart Of David Study Moving To The Anointing Heart …

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Who Is The Enemy Heart Of David audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

Who Is The Enemy Heart Of David audio. We need to be able to discern who is the correct enemy. One is for us to fight. The other will be destroyed by the Lord. Heart Of David Study Who Is The Enemy Heart Of David Audio 1 Samuel 26:6 – 26:12 6 Then David said …

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Heart Of David – Bathsheba – Five Points Of Grace

I Will Bless The Lord audio

Heart Of David – Bathsheba – Five Points Of Grace audio. There was never a darker time in David’s life than his sin with Bathsheba and the killing of Uriah the Hitite. What we learn is no matter how much a person can know and love God the same person can fall. However, no matter …

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Heart Of David 10 – Seven Principles audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

Heart Of David 10 – Seven Principles audio. We need these in our lives and as we learn from David’s life as king in Judah. One principle is we stick knives into people from other houses of God. Let’s see what this means to us.  Heart Of David Study Heart Of David 10 – Seven …

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He Raised Up David – Heart Of David Study audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

He Raised Up David – Heart Of David Study audio. God gave His people Saul as king for 40 years. During a portion of those years the Lord was training and preparing David. We are all in a training process for something great. Heart Of David Study He Raised Up David – Heart Of David …

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Youth Shepherd – Heart Of David 2 audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

Youth Shepherd – Heart Of David 2 audio. He was a shepherd boy, but specifically chosen by God and anointed to be the leader of God’s people. David’s name is found approximately 1100 times in the Scriptures. It’s found even more than the name of Jesus. God wants us to learn from him. Heart Of …

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I Have Caused The Death Of All The Father’s House audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

I Have Caused The Death Of All The Father’s House audio. Nothing we have ever done, nor nothing we will ever do is outside of God’s mercy. God will deal with us, but His mercy endures forever. Heart Of David I Have Caused The Death Of All The Father’s House 5 Audio Some I Have …

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God Is For You – Heart Of David 4 audio

I Will Bless The Lord audio

God Is For You – Heart Of David 4 audio. In God’s greatness He cares for us.  Our lives have basic epochs. This is the third epoch of David – the outlaw in the wilderness. Our epochs will have wilderness times. This is a long period of time in David’s life. Sometimes wilderness is a …

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David And His Men audio – Heart Of David series

I Will Bless The Lord audio

David And His Men audio – Heart Of David series. It’s never one person. One person may be used by God, but there are always others in the ministry. David inquired of the Lord again and again. The heart for God will pray and ask direction. Heart Of David David And His Men Audio Some …

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