Matthew 26-31-46 Gethsemane Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 26-31-46 Gethsemane Audio. Have you ever been to a good meeting and promised the Lord you were going to do better from here on, but only to find in a short time you failed the Lord again? What brings us to the place we never fail the Lord? The disciples of Jesus acquired that …

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Matthew 26:13-30 Judas Betrayal – Passover Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 26:13-30 Judas Betrayal – Passover Audio. Did Judas make a covenant with Antichrist? Jesus fulfilled and ended the Passover. He is the Lamb of God. We now have the table of the Lord. Jesus was in full control of His crucifixion. Jesus knew Judas would betray Him. Judas knew Jesus knew Judas would betray …

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Matthew 26-1-13 Sovereignty Of God Jesus Anointed For Death

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 26-1-13 Sovereignty Of God Jesus Anointed For Death Audio. It does not matter what man plans if it conflicts with God’s plans. Jesus was anointed for death when Mary poured her most precious possession on her Lord. We can know what a person’s Lord is by observing what they pour themselves on. Matthew 26-1-13 …

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Matthew 26:69-75 – 27:1-10 Peter Denied Jesus Judas Hung Himself

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 26:69-75 – 27:1-10 Peter Denied Jesus Judas Hung Himself Audio. Though he denied Jesus Peter was there. Where were the other disciples? They were hiding in the woods at Gethsemane. Judas hung himself. It says Judas repented. Was it a repentance of sorry or a repentance to bring Judas into the kingdom of heaven? …

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Matthew 26:47-68 Betrayal of Jesus Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 26:47-68 Betrayal of Jesus Audio. There might not be a sadder passage in Scriptures than this passage. “And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master; and kissed him.” Have you ever had a Judas in your life? Have you ever been a Judas? Are you a Judas? Matthew 26:47-68 Betrayal of Jesus …

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Matthew 27:28-66 Crucifixion Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 27:28-66 Crucifixion audio. There were seven basic people types at the crucifixion. We see Simon of Cyrene, those referred to as “they” – soldiers, passersby, chief priests, two thieves,  many women, and Joseph of Arimathaea. What we will see is these seven types of people continue to be around the cross of Christ today. …

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Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio. Jesus went about His area teaching, preaching the kingdom of God, and healing all manner of disease. We preach. We teach. However, we don’t do much, if any, healing of diseases. Jesus sent His disciples out to preach and heal. Healing is a fruit of teaching and preaching the kingdom …

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Matthew 27:26-31 Mockery Scourging of Jesus

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 27:26-31 Mockery And Scourging of Jesus Audio – I had the opportunity to sit in a gathering of several pastors with Oral Roberts. It stirred things inside me about healing. Jesus went about teaching, preaching, and healing. We need to put healing into the same terms and thoughts as preaching and teaching. We’re here …

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Matthew 27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate – Israel rejected Jesus audio. If you don’t know this you will not understand much if not most of the Scriptures/Bible. At least five times Pilate attempted to escape judging Jesus. Pilate feared Caesar. Caesar wanted peace in his empire and when any governor didn’t maintain peace the governor was …

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Matthew 24:31-35 audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 24:31-35 audio. The gathering together of the elect by the angels of God. An angel is simply a messenger of God. I’m a messenger of God. You should be a messenger of God. Does this make us angels? We are sent to gather God’s people. That’s what angels do. Matthew 24:31-35 Audio Audio Matthew …

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