Battling Culture and Society

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Battling Culture and Society. If we spent any amount of time together talking about life what is one thing likely to come up in our conversation? Most likely issues our culture wants us to believe and attempts to force us to accept would be discussed. Sadly, many cultural issues keep people from following Jesus Christ. …

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Biblical Evangelism Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Biblical Evangelism. Jesus said there was nothing wrong with the harvest. It was plentiful. The problem is the laborers. Don’t pray for people to come. Pray laborers will go. 1) Signs and wonders confirm God’s word, 2) Cities are affected by signs and wonders, 3) Most signs and wonders in the Scriptures were not done …

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Word Made Flesh Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Word Made Flesh. There is a misconception about this. Not only did this happen to Jesus. It should happen to every Christ follower. The Word should be made flesh in each of us. This is God’s desire. The Word is grace and truth. We should be changing the lives of people. That’s grace. We should …

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Truth About Christmas 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Truth About Christmas 2 – Saturnalia, held in mid-December, is an ancient Roman pagan festival honoring the agricultural god Saturn. Saturnalia celebrations are the source of many of the traditions we now associate with Christmas. The word Christmas comes from two Greek words: Christ and mass. Mass is the commemoration of His death, not His …

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Truth About Christmas Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Truth About Christmas – Saturnalia, held in mid-December, is an ancient Roman pagan festival honoring the agricultural god Saturn. Saturnalia celebrations are the source of many of the traditions we now associate with Christmas. The word Christmas comes from two Greek words: Christ and mass. Mass is the commemoration of His death, not His death. …

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Truth About Halloween Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Truth About Halloween. We so frequently involve ourselves innocently into things and have no idea of the dark spiritual implications. We become numb to what we are doing and what our children are doing. Truth About Halloween Audio Some Truth About Halloween Teaching Scriptures 1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is …

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Conversion – Pentecost – Perfection Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Conversion – Pentecost – Perfection. There is more in God than we’ve yet experienced. Pentecostals think they have it all, but no. At best we only have 2/3 of the gospel. In God, there is an outer court, a holy place, and a holy of holies. We need to move into the holy of holies. …

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Principle Of Testing Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Principle Of Testing Part 2 – Jesus said would receive power AFTER THAT the Holy Ghost came upon us. What is AFTER THAT? Tests and trials are the answer. No tests, no trials, no power. Principle Of Testing Part 2 Audio Audio Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is …

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Principle Of Testing Part 1 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Principle Of Testing Part 1 – Kingdom instruments will be tested. We must go through tests in our lives to find areas we need to correct. Principle Of Testing Part 1 Audio Audio Prophecy Against the Shepherds of Israel Ezekiel 34:1-2 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of …

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Mark Of The Beast Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Mark Of The Beast – is it “in” the hand or “on” the hand? Is it “in” the head or “on” the hand?  Could it mean what we do and what we think – carnal mind vs spiritual mind? Mark Of The Beast Audio Audio Revelation 13:16-18 16 And he causeth all, both small and …

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