Acts Series Chapter 11 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 11 shows the beginning of the work of the Church at Antioch. Jerusalem was the hub of reaching the Jews. Antioch was the hub of reaching the Gentiles. Acts Chapters 1-8 centers around Apostle Peter. The remainder of the Book of Acts centers around Apostle Paul. Acts Series Chapter 11 Audio Audio …

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Acts Series Chapter 10: How to Reach the Unreached

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 10: How to Reach the Unreached. This chapter begins the fourth step of the Great Commission. Jerusalem is chapters 1-7, and Judah is chapters 8-9. Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world are the remaining nineteen chapters. Acts Series Chapter 10 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 10 Audio Acts 10:1-48 Peter …

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Acts Series Chapter 9 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 9 much happens – Conversion of Saul, Ananias sent to Saul, Saul Proclaims Jesus in Synagogues, Saul Escapes from Damascus, Saul in Jerusalem, Healing of Aeneas, and Dorcas Restored to Life. This is a huge chapter in its meaningfulness for the remainder of the Book of Acts. Acts Series Chapter 9 Audio …

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Acts Series Chapter 8 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 8 tells us about Saul the Pharisee who will become Paul the great apostle. It tells us about the ministry of Philip who began as a deacon and moved out into a great ministry. Acts Series Chapter 8 Audio Audio Acts 8:1-40 Saul Ravages the Church Acts 8:1 And Saul was consenting …

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Acts Series Chapter 7 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 7 religious people were unable to resist the words of Stephen. Stephen was charged with blasphemy. Stephen was stoned. When we stand for the truth of God we will be stoned. Acts Series Chapter 7 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 7 Audio Acts 7:1-60 Stephen’s Speech Acts 7:1 Then said the high …

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Acts Series Chapter 6 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 6 the divine order of church government begins. True ministry always begins as a servant. We can discern true ministry from false by the person’s attitude to serve in all areas of the church. Acts Series Chapter 6 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 6 Audio Acts  6:1-15 Seven Chosen to Serve Acts …

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Acts Series Chapter 5 Part 2: How to Witness Boldly

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 5 Part 2. Twice, the thought of “great fear” came upon the church. Today, we do not see “great fear” in the church. We want the healings, miracles, and good things, but we don’t want any “great fear” or anyone messing in our lives. Acts Series Chapter 5 Part 2: How to …

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Acts Series Chapter 5 Part 1 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 5 Part 1 talks about a couple called Ananias and Sapphira. They said they gave all they received to God but didn’t. They both fell dead because they lied to the Holy Spirit. Let’s take a look at this story. Acts Series Chapter 5 Part 1 Audio Audio Acts 5:1 – 5:42 …

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Acts Series Chapter 4 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 4. Peter and John were arrested for preaching in the name of Jesus. Peter said he couldn’t, “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts Series Chapter 4 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 4 Audio Psalms 2:1-4 Psalms 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, …

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Acts Series Chapter 3 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 3. A lame beggar was healed, giving Peter and John an opportunity to share the good news about Jesus Christ. They told the people to repent and be converted. Acts Series Chapter 3 Audio Audio Acts 3:1-26 The Lame Beggar Healed Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together into the …

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