Importance Of Corporate Unity audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Importance Of Corporate Unity audio. We don’t think like God thinks. We see this in this lesson. When one person sins in the body it affects us all. We see this in the story of Achan and the man in 1 Corinthians 5. Not discerning and understanding the body brings bad things upon the entire …

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Do Not Say Revival Is Coming

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Do Not Say Revival Is Coming. Jesus said stop saying revival is coming. He said even now the fields are ready to harvest. The problem isn’t with revival coming. The problem is with finding harvesters to harvest. Do Not Say Revival Is Coming Audio John 4:4-6 4 And he must needs go through Samaria. 5 …

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Cast Off Beggars Garment

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Cast Off Beggars Garment. Many Christians live in poverty. They don’t understand how to break through. When the tithes and offerings come together it brings life to our giving. We don’t sow with the alms or the tithe. We sow with our offerings. Cast Off Beggars Garment Audio Mark 10:46-52 46 And they came to …

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Dealing With A Pastor

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Dealing With A Pastor. At some point, most churches will need to deal with a pastor. How do we do this? In the world, we don’t speak again. We cut the person out of our life. However, the church is typified as a body. We don’t cut a broken arm off the body. We get …

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Deacons And Deaconesses

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Deacons And Deaconesses. Every church body should be instructed on the ministry of and office of a deacon. The Scriptures give specific qualifications for this office. There’s a choosing by the brethren and an appointment by the leadership. This office births from a need in the body. Their characters must include spirituality, honorable (good report), …

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Finding The Will Of God

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Finding The Will Of God. The Lord works into us the will and the ability to do His pleasure. It takes time. There are three entities working on our lives – 1) devil’s will, 2) our will, and 3) God’s will. Bottom line is we present ourselves to God, experience repentance/renewing of our mind, and …

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What We Do Why We Do It

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

What We Do Why We Do It? Everything we do we should ask this question. Our services should attract the lost and be exciting for the saved. This is sort of an evaluation of where a church body should be and experience. What We Do Why We Do It Audio Matthew 5:13-16 13 Ye are …

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Work Out Your Own Salvation

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Work Out Your Own Salvation. It seems to me we have been given a leavened way of salvation. It’s pray a prayer or attend church. Is it? We are saved by grace, but not to go to heaven. We are saved by grace to do good works and we must do the will of the …

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How Jesus Said To Reach Cities

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

How Jesus Said To Reach Cities. How To Win A City Is the Bible the Word of God? Should we minister to people the way the Lord taught? Do we want to know how Jesus said to minister? Jesus specifically instructed His disciples and others to go into every city, find a house that would …

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End Of Traditional Church audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

End Of Traditional Church audio. As we know it, the worldwide church is being replaced by an act of God. More and more people are becoming disillusioned with the traditional church. What the church offers today is being rejected. The church today is not performing. It is not bringing people to Jesus Christ in an …

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